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If you have not already read "I didn't Mean for This to Happen" you should read that first before this one. This is the sequel. If you have read it, then enjoy! :))

James POV

I sat there, sipping my coffee and looking out the window of the shop. The same shop where we never said goodbye. The same shop where I let everything go.

Well, it's been a month now. A month without speaking to her. At least, speaking to her from me. We have the show, but other than that, she's basically gone from my life.

I know she's waiting...or maybe she isn't. Maybe she's moved on. Maybe she's with somebody else, but I would never know.

Every time I gaze at her, she gives me this aching look. It's usually when we are doing the scene where I sing "You Never Know", and I kiss her at the end. Right before I lean in, she looks as if she's about to break down.

So how have I been dealing with all of this?

I haven't.

Idina POV

I miss him. That's the thought. That's all I can say and that's all I think about. How do you cope with something like this? It all happened so damn fast. He said those words, walked out and was gone. Seeing him at the coffee shop made me realize just how much I needed him. We took a long look at each other, before he walked out. I was hoping that he would come sit down, and talk about everything. He didn't come over to the table, and he didn't say anything. He just walked away.

My life had no excitement anymore. It was the same thing everyday: take Walker to school, go to the theatre and then go home. Every night that I would come home, I had this feeling for a split second. A feeling that he would be there waiting, but then I walked in and saw the babysitter. That's when reality sank back in.

I started to enjoy the nights that Walker kept me up, because then I could think of him, and not James. I was so thankful for Walker. He kept me sane, and was the only thing that made my life worth living.

Other times, I'd have a busy day, which would distract me. Then I would get home and go to sleep...and that's when that thought comes crashing back in:

I miss him.

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