13 Questions~♪

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*Posting rules is a must.

*Must tag 13 people.

*Answer the question assigned to you and make new questions for others to answer.

*Finish the tag in two weeks max.

*Must be creative with the tag title.

Tagged by Black_Rose244

:3 Let's do this~!

1. Are you annoyed that you got tagged? Not at all!.

2. If you got a tattoo,what and where would it be? A pair of crows flying away and leaving black feathers behind them. On my back.

3. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate with almonds ^^.

4. Have you ever slapped someone before? Yes,my sister :3.

5. What was the last dream you remember having? Hmm kissing Akashi Seijuro (≧∇≦)

6. Are you an indoor or outdoor person? Outdoor.

7. Is there an event you could never forget? Yeah! Meeting my friends here in Wattpad!

8. What annoys you most? Watching people suffer because of love.

9. Do you have any fears? Yup! Loosing my friends and a world without anime.

10. What time do you usually sleep? I'm a vampire soooo when sun rises.

11. What is your Zodiac sign? Sagittarius ♐️

12. The last book you've read? The Host and in Wattpad Yandere!Akashi x reader.

13. What is preferred clothing style? Casual!

Time to Condemn people~! Upupupu~














Now my 13 questions~!

1. Do you hate me?

2. At what time you go to school?

3. Do you like cats?

4. What do you like to drink?

5. Would you kiss a unicorn or your crush?

6. Who is your favorite artist?

7. Do you have any annoying siblings?

8. Do you like Gravity Falls?

9. Do you think Donald Trump will win?

10.Do you like ramen?

11. Do you have a special someone?

12. Do you like wattpad?

13. What is your favorite color?


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