The City's Past

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In the world there were two species: the humans and the Ferilas/ Ferilas for 3 hundred thousand yrs. In peace they both made a treaty that the humans rule the morning and Ferilos at night.
There is a city that is called Luna, the city for Ferilas and Ferilos. In Japan the humans thought that the city of Luna was a myth but they found out that there were Ferilos living there in plain sight for yrs.
The humans said, " You don't need to hid any more. We can have a peace treaty."
The Ferilos thought it was a trap and keep on alert. The time goes by.
That the king of Ferilos went to ask the king of Dela, " I have enough of this. Lets put the two cities together for the Ferilos and the humans to live in equal terms."
The city of Luna and Dela became has one city. On that day people had a celebrity.

Years has gone by. The two cities has became has one but the names are the same. In Luna, the people are mostly poor or they are orphans in the streets. Dela has mostly rich Humans but no more than 5 rich Ferilos. Most of the Ferilas are the maids, bakers and painters. The Ferilos were the builders, bankers, authors and butler. The humans there all have jobs the same as the Ferilos and Ferilas. The ancestors, the king of Dela, Mirlon Chan Dela Mana and the king of Luna, Ruby Sola Ran Cavita. In every way the people who disagree with the treaty Will Be Banished. 

Hi. I a new at publishing books so give me chance and read more.

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