Chapter 13

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Elsa P.O.V.

I glanced at my timetable; I had Art right after this lesson. I packed my things just as the bell rang and hurried through the open classroom door to the level above. I ran along the corridor towards the door labelled 'Art'. Students were pouring out of the classroom, chatting happily with each other. I glimpsed a bit of white hair among the crowd, but ignored it as usual. But then I started to feel strange as the white hair became more and more visible and I was looking at the bright, blue eyes that Jack Frost has. "Meet me-" he started to say, but a swarm of giggling girls pushed him to another side, swooning and batting their eyelashes. "Bratthe brield!" And he disappeared under the avalanche of girls. I recognise one of the girls as Leslie, who was my friend back in elementary school. I frowned. I did not want Leslie to be a fangirl, but I could do nothing to stop her. She's stubborn. I turned away and entered the classroom. "Battle Feel", I think he said. It doesn't make sense. Maybe he said.. Battle field? Where in this city is there a battle field? No, doesn't make sense either. What about... At the field? Yes, This makes sense! So I think I'm going to the field during break.
The Art teacher walked in and I had to stop thinking. I always pay attention to the teacher! "I would like all of you to paint an artwork of your family. You have an hour and a half." She smiled at everyone and then everyone started painting.
I didn't waste time, I took out my brush and my palette. I dipped my brush into the paint, and drew a girl with platinum blonde hair, wearing my favourite snowflake dress and an arm over another girl, slightly shorter and with strawberry blonde hair wearing a flowery summer dress and a big smile on her face. Yes, that looks like Anna, I thought and a smile crept onto my face.
That's it. I'm done, and I'm handing it to the teacher now. I stood up and looked around but everyone was still painting. I didn't know why I was so fast, perhaps because others had to paint two other people. Leslie, who was sitting beside me, looked up. "Why are you so fast? Show me your work." I handed it to her, I was used to her being a little bossy. "You're beautiful," she gasps. "And Anna too. But where's your parents?" I stiffened, I did not like to talk about them. I wish Jack was here. Wait what? I mean, I wish Jack was not here. I got my wish then, because he isn't here. "Dead," I muttered and grabbed the painting from her and marched over to the teacher. "Done?" She smiles at me. She likes to smile. She examined my work. "Beautiful." She murmured and scribbled an A on the back of the canvas. "Miss Elsa, you don't mind if I display this artwork at the cafeteria? I'll give you credit, of course." She looked up at me. "Oh, sure, I don't mind at all." I said coolly and turned to walk to my seat. "I'm sorry," Leslie muttered to me. Sorry didn't mean much to me, it won't help, but I didn't want to hurt her either so I just smiled slightly but wiped it clean off my face when she went to give the teacher her work. She came back looking a bit disappointed. "She gave me a C." She told me. "I'm sorry," I muttered without even knowing what I was saying. "Oh Elsa, it's not your fault," she said and she hugged me.
I pulled away. "Don't," I looked at her. "Not now." The bell rang and I grabbed my bag and ran to the cafeteria to have lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2016 ⏰

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