Chapter 4: A Deal With The Devil

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You will notice I put chapter names in. That was specifically for this chapter because I had to use this title xD This chapter is short, and I know I haven't written in forever. This chapter was hard for me to write, I don't really know why. You will notice the story get funnier as it goes on hopefully. I also have to use a Spanish translator for Kiara's rants, so the English translation is at the bottom.


Kiara opened her eyes slowly, sighing. She looked around, only to find everything was upside down to her.

                “¿Qué demonios?!*” she yelled angrily. Matthew glared at her, Nick standing next to him was looking between the two. Kiara looked down, or up if you want to be technical, to find her feet were chained. She was hanging upside down from the ceiling.

                “¡Bájeme usted maldice a idiota! ¿Qué piensa usted que hace? ¡Le mataré!**” She screamed. Matthew couldn’t help but start laughing.

                “It’s like watching a movie in Spanish!” he said, still laughing.

                “¡Le mostraré película española cuando bajo parque de diversiones! ¡Le estrangularé, o mejor todavía, le congela!***” She screeched, becoming angrier. This only made Matthew laugh harder.

                “By the way, you have too many weapons.” He told her, gesturing to the pile of small weapons that must have fallen out of her shirt and pants when she was hung upside down. He accidently got to close, stabbing a needle into his hand.

                “Ow! Damnit!” he said, taking it out. He tossed it to his brother. Nick, who wasn’t paying attention, got stabbed in the hand.

                “Ow…” he muttered, looking at it. The needle just melted, the electricity’s heat being too hot for it to remain in its solid form.

                “How long are you just going to let me hang here?” Kiara sighed. She didn’t expect a positive answer. Hanging upside down was used as torture. Matthew just shrugged, turning around and walking upstairs.

                Nick walked over to her, blinking. “Are you ok?” he asked, tilting his head.

                “Ya, for now” Kiara sighed.

                “I will talk to my brother.” He told her, giving her the smallest smile she had ever seen before walking after Matthew.

                “I’m sure he will help” Azami smiled.

                “Ya, Nick is really nice.” Kyoko agreed. Kiara just laughed quietly. After a little bit, she pulled herself up. She tried to break, freeze, or pull the chains off but it did no good. After a while she gave up, letting herself drop down.

                “Ok, fine. Deal.” Kiara heard from upstairs. The two boys were walking down the stairs soon after. Matthew walked over, “Listen up. I will let you down on one condition: You will stay with us and not try to escape. If you do I WILL find you and kill all three of you.” He said, smirking as he added, “And you won’t be getting your weapons back.”

                “Why the hell would I agree to that?” Kiara growled.

                “So you three won’t be killed right here and now.” Matthew answered, crossing his arms. Kiara glared at him, but nodded with a sigh. Matthew smirked in triumph, loosening the chains and making her fall down. She winced, hitting the ground.

                “YOU DAMN IDIOT” She screeched, getting up and whacking him over the head.

                “HEY!” Matthew growled. Kiara smirked.

                “You said nothing about not hurting you. Too late now” She laughed. The twins giggled, and even Nick had a small smile, even though he was trying to fight it. Matthew glared at her before walking back upstairs. ‘I have a feeling I just made a deal with the devil’ Kiara thought with a sigh.


*What the hell?!

**Get me down you damn idiot! What do you think you are doing? I am going to kill you!

***I will show you Spanish movie when I get down from here! I am going to strangle you, or better yet, freeze you!


The Chapter title makes sense now don't it xD? Hopefully you like Matthew and Nick, cause they are gonna be here for a loooong time. I also have new characters, but those are for later >;3 Hope you like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2011 ⏰

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