Chapter One

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     I wipe my eyes and yawn while Mr. Keel, my English teacher, tries to explain to the class that even though they moan and groan about having to read Edgar Allen Poe they will have to, being it is the eleventh grade and he is the teacher and they are simply the students.
     I look out the window to see the first sign of winter, snow. Three little snowflakes fall down in my vision and my skin crawls. I hate the winter and I wish that I lived in California where the weather is basically only one season, but my mother refuses to leave the house because there are too many memories of my father and if we were to leave now it could be considered running away from our problems. I don't see how, but I listen to my mother's wishes because she is all that I have.
     The bell rings and the class yells out a few goodbyes to Mr. Keel. I stand up and gather my binder and a few loose leaf papers. I try to keep my head down trying to avoid any contact with any persons. But of course my wishes will not be granted as I bump into a hard chest, flinging my hands as I try to distance myself.
     "Oh, I'm sorry I-" I say and then look up and realize who, or in my mind what, I bumped into. "You!" The one, the only, Hunter. Hunter is a boy, wait scratch that, a "God" as most of the female population, besides the ones who prefer their own gender and me, like to refer to him as. He is 6 foot 2 inches, with onyx black hair, and light hazel eyes.  He has the body of a god and I guess that is why everyone refers to his as one. That and the fact that he can play football as though some unnatural force is guiding him, and maybe there is. To say that he wasn't attractive would be lying to myself.
     "You!" He says.
     "I-I've got to go to algebra II." I say and I turn on my heels, yet again trying to avoid any kind of contact with any humans.
     "Wait! Josie! Wait..." He says, running up to me, trying to catch his breath.
     I turn around and well... wait. "What?"
     "I-I wanted to apologize for bumping into you. I wasn't paying much attention to where I was going. I just- I just don't want you to think that it was your fault. Because it was mine."
     "I- Okay, Hunter. I don't really care who's fault it happen to have been, and if you would excuse me, sir, I would like to get to my class before the bell rings." I walk backwards three steps, and get this, I curtsey for theatrics. I curtsied!
     His jaw hangs slack and I don't think he has any clue as to what he was supposed to do. This makes me smirk and walk to my next class. No one flusters Hunter.

SnowfallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora