Chapter 1

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" Josh stop you need to calm down, right now" I calmly tell my boyfriend who has completely lost it over some guy giving me his number and is currently threatening the poor guy now. " No Tori , I won't calm down," he sighs before continuing " he hit on you now shut the fuck up" he responds now ignoring my constant pleas to stop hitting the guy. " Josh, stop this he didn't know I was taken" I quickly tell him hoping he will stop but he just turns around quickly and glares at me before saying "Maybe so but if you would have told him that you were taken instead of acting like a whore this wouldn't of happened now shut up and lets go home" I look at him like he is crazy he didn't even give me a chance to tell him I'm taken he saw him talking to me and immediately hit him across the jaw.
He just grabs a hold of my arm and yanks me out to the car. " What the hell are you doing " I ask but he ignores me and tightens his grip on my arm so hard I know I'm gonna have bruise on it.

" Josh let go of my arm your hurting me " I tell him while trying to yank my arm out of his hold but it's pointless he is stronger than me. " I'm serious Josh let go " I grit out and he immediately turns around backhanding me across the face so hard I taste blood and I grit my teeth to keep from crying out.

" Now shut the hell up we are going home" he yells in my face. I lift my head while glaring at him defiantly. "No I'm leaving you. It's over , I told you if you hit me again I was leaving" I yell at him. He glares at me before saying " you ain't fucking leaving me I done told you that " and then throws me in the car causing me to hit my head on the roof. He then looks around at some people who are staring and asks " what the hell are you guys looking at ? Mind your own business ". He then gets in the drivers side of the car and takes off on the way home. We arrive home and he gets out and comes over to my side opening the door and tells me to get out. I look up at him before responding "no Josh I'm not getting out. I told you we are over take me to Adriana's house." he just chuckles darkly while rolling his eyes. He crouches down and looks me in the eyes before saying in a sickly sweet voice"Tori your not making this easy on yourself, you just made it worse actually."

He grabs my hair and wraps it tightly in his hand causing me to cry out from the sudden pain before yanking me out of the car and dragging me in the house by my hair and throws me down in the foyer. He moves and stands over me looking down at me. " Tori you embarrassed me by letting that man hit on you" he says eerily calm. I huff and say " I didn't let him hit on me u came before I had a chance to stop it."

"you ungrateful bitch, you have the audacity to lie to me I saw it with my own eyes!" he screams angrily causing me to flinch before he kicks me in my side over and over again causing me to scream each time. He finally stops after awhile and I'm sure my ribs are broken. I try to set up grimacing as pain shoots up my side causing me to grit my teeth.

"Josh I'm sorry,baby I didn't mean to upset you" I plead hoping he will stop. He just smirks before saying "No Tori I'm sorry" he says while flashing an unreassuring grin before stalking toward me causing me to immediately scoot back until I hit the wall and I immediately start panicking since I have nowhere to go now. I immediately start screaming at the top of my lungs causing him to kick me again. He leans down covering my mouth cutting off my scream before leaning in causing me to shiver fearfully before he whispers in my ear "Tori nobody can help you now, and I'm gonna teach you not to embarrass me ever again, also you will never leave me do you understand? "

I simply nod to afraid to do anything else. He then leans down and kisses me I keep my mouth closed and he growls before biting my lip so hard it bleeds and then he rips my shirt open causing me to panic as I figure out what he is planning on doing. I immediately start thrashing and screaming. Telling him no and begging him not to do it he just smacks me again. "shut up Tori you brought this on your self now deal with it" he yells at me. I look around trying to figure out what to do before bringing my head up and headbutting him causing him to let go of me and hold his head. I automatically get up and take off running toward the door.

Just as I'm about to make it he grabs my feet causing me to fall face first on the floor and I knock my head on the floor. He immediately starts dragging me toward the leaving room and picks me up throwing me on the couch, climbing over me before unbuttoning my jeans causing me to scream again. He quickly but his hand over my mouth and without thinking I bite his hand and knee him where the sun doesn't shine causing him to grab himself. I then kick him off me on to the floors before picking up a vase and breaking it over his head causing him to pass out. I quickly run out of the house trying to ignore the pain.

I make it to a park before stopping and calling Adriana.
"Hey Tori " she says when she answers and I start sobbing as soon as I hear her voice " Tor, what's wrong why are you crying" she asks panicking slightly.

" Ana, you have to come get me. Josh hit me and tried to rape me. Hurry up I'm at a park near Josh's house. I knocked him out but I don't know for how long" I tell her breathing heavy as I start hyperventilating. I hear her start telling somebody to get up and lets go. " okay Tor me and Drake are coming stay calm we will be there soon" she calmly tells me. " okay Ana stay on the phone with me please ?I'm scared." I tell her . " Ok Tor I'll stay on the phone we are almost there" she soothingly tells me before I hear a noise behind me.

I slowly turn around and I scream as Josh leaps at me knocking me down causing me to drop the phone and pain to shoot up my side. I faintly hear Adriana screaming and asking me if I'm okay. I try and focus on Josh as he sits on me bringing up a knife and saying " you bitch im gonna kill you for that ". He then stabs me in my stomach before he is ripped off me and I faintly see a guy hitting him repeatedly as Adriana is saying something about an ambulance as my vision gets hazy. I hear sirens coming before I completely black out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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