Sciles/Stisaac Story Preview Fem!Stiles

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There were only four things Stiles had never told the pack. A) That she was a girl, B) That she has a twin brother, C) That she was a witch, and D) What her real name was(But that didn't matter). The only people who knew were her mother, who taught her control of her powers, her father, and Scott. When Stiles mother died she she became a bit more solitary, and strayed a bit more to the masculine side- although she was already a tomboy as it stood. When her brother moved to live with their aunt across the country, Stiles used what she knew to take the physical form of her brother and changed her name to Stiles- people couldn't pronounce her first name, and Genim was the worst name in existence to her, so she picked Stiles. People didn't even remember her, except Scott who was with her when she cast the spell. They were 10 years old at the time.

When Scott was bitten, Stiles was there to help, and when Stiles broke down Scott was there to console her. They'd always been involved, just a little more violently now. Stiles laughed at that. It used to be just dealing with pesky ghosts and demon animals; now there was a weakly threat to their lives and Stiles couldn't even use her magic because of her illusion. Taking a different form make it near impossible to use her powers and hold up the illusion and she didn't want them to know. She didn't want to be treating like someone weaker than she already was considered as a male.

Her attention was brought back to the pack meeting that was going on around her when Derek said that there was a witch in town. Her heart picked up in the slightest thinking that they'd found her out. She glanced at Scott who shot her a reassuring smile, and her heart fluttered a bit before calming down. "According to him he's looking for his twin sister, and that he'd been out of state for almost half his life." And She panicked again. The pack stared at her, or rather her brother's form that covered her body.

"Where is he...?" Stiles asked softly. Derek gave her a weird look.

"I don't know. I've never even seen him, Scott was the one to find him." Stiles eyes widened.

"Stiles... I think it's time you finally told them. They're pack, you can trust them." Scott told her, earning looks from Isaac, Derek, Erica, and Lydia.

"Bring him here. Then I'll tell them. Don't say anything until then." She said curtly.

"He's waiting outside..."

"Let him in." With that Scott went out to grab him.


Derek glared at her. "What haven't you told us?" He growled.
"Well if you'd wait for 5 minutes you'd find out, wouldn't you?" She bit back. Her breath hitched when she saw her double standing before her.

He gave Stiles a weird look. "Łucja...?" He questioned softly.

She nodded her head, letting her illusion fall, revealing a beautiful woman in the place of the lanky teen boy. "Łucjusz." She said as she ran into his arms and hugged him around the neck.

Derek's glare turned into wide eyes like the rest of the pack as they watched the transformation. Stiles looked down at her baggy clothes as she separated from her brother. "Oh... Hang on." She said snapping her fingers, changing her male clothes into a tank top, shorts and coverse. Her brown curls fell to the middle of her back, and her large brown eyes seemed even bigger.

Scott found himself practically drooling at the sight of his best friend. 'I told you so.' He told his wolf who was purring, contently. His brown eyes never tearing away from Stiles figure.

"Are you gonna explain or just stand there?" Jackson said in an attempt to tear his eyes away from her curves.

"Stiles can you at least put on something that's less revealing?" Her brother muttered to her, and she rolled her eyes.

"Fine." She said as her low cut tank top turned into a batman tee-shirt. "Anyway. I'm a born witch, born female, and this is my twin brother." She said leaving out the details. Derek opened his mouth but Stiles started talking again. "My mother was a witch, I never said anything because I didn't want to be treated as someone weaker than I already was," She shot a look to Derek. "And I couldn't use my actual powers because of my illusion, but I could cast small spells to help out, but they would exhaust me. My mother told me not to tell any other supernatural creatures because they would use me for my power."

"Hi, I'm Łucjusz but you can call me Stuart." He held his hand out to Derek. "I assume you're the alpha?" Derek nodded and shook the teens hand.


"Hi, I'm Isaac." The curly werewolf said, tearing his eyes away from Stiles.




"You're not a wolf." He said, looking to the strawberry blonde.

"Banshee." She said curtly before turning to Stiles.

"So wait. Are you a lesbian?" Stiles laughed.

"No, but I was pretending to be a guy. I figured I might as well have some fun, but I gotta say, kissing other girls? Kinda gross, not gonna lie." Lydia laughed too.

"So is there anyone you like?" Stiles cheeks turned red and Scott, Derek, Jackson, and Isaac looked over to her awaiting an answer.

"I kinda like two different guys...? But for different reasons...." She muttered though everyone could hear her.

Lydia smirked. This may be fun for her.

This is the prologue, and currently available on my Ao3, if you guys want it on here too or want the link comment or pm me.

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