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When school ended, Foster silently followed me to my locker. That didn't stop me from noticing all the girls he winked at and checked out.

I also received several dirty looks from girls whom I have never talked to before. Foster was oblivious to them, obviously.

I took the books from my bag that I didn't need, and put the ones that I did. When I turned around, I saw him talking to a girl.

More specifically, he was flirting with Claire Russell. You could tell by the way Claire kept batting her eyelashes and bashfully tucking her hair behind her ear... and the constant winking from Foster.

God, it looked like he had a twitch.

I rolled my eyes and leaned against the locker. I had no choice but to wait for him since he was apparently my ride home.

On second thought... I did originally plan to walk in the rain.

Shrugging, I turned around and started to walk towards the exit.

I stopped, shocked when I heard Foster's voice.

"Fawn, wait up!"

I turned around and waited for him to catch up to me. As he made his way towards me, he dragged one of his arms over my shoulder, pulling me slightly forward.

"Let's go, Baby Deer." He clicked his teeth and winked.

I lifted an eyebrow at him. "Really?" I scoffed.

"Yeah, why not? It's what Fawn means." He smirked, hiding the smile that I know he wanted to show.

"It's not going to catch on you know. You might as well stop now." I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go, Fawn." He let out a small chuckle.

We stopped right before the main entrance, giving me time to pull my hoodie on.

"Which car is yours?" I asked.

"The black Range Rover."

I turned to him before saying, "Let's run."

Sprinting to the car, I stepped in at least two puddles and my clothes were soaking wet. When we made it inside, I felt gross and sticky. I hated the feeling of being in a car after being in the rain.

After taking a small moment to get over the uncomfortable, wet feeling, I glanced around at my surroundings. There were a couple of books on the floor in the backseat and a big ol' gray blanket.

"Nice car," I stated, admiring the Range Rover.

Foster pulled out of the parking lot. Before turning, he asked, "Where am I heading?"

"23 Valley Road." I replied, sitting back into the leather.

"Damn, Valley Road?" He asked.

I nodded.

"I can't believe you walk to school...it's pretty far."

"Sorry..." My voice kind of squeaked as I turned my head to look out the window.

"It's not far from my house though." Foster looked at me and smiled.

I glanced back and in return, gave a weak smile.

The rain crashing onto the windshield filled up the silence in the car. I don't know why, but I felt something in the bottom of my stomach. I started taking deep breaths to calm down.

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