the 9 kids

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In the 1990 there was these two couples name Frank and Lauren that move in. to this hous on woodhaven on 83st with frankmother and brother name Gary and Sarah. After they move to the house .Lauren and frank had 9 beautiful kid's
Amistad at first but out of control after. There first kids was a girl name Haley she was smart and brilliant at the same time beautiful loves fashioned and school also always was with her boyfriend and also could be a big drama queen at some moment she already had turned 15 yearold . There second kid name Anna she was hilarious could be mean if u get on her bad side smart always came up with the best planned ever she was Never was scared to do anything she was beautiful and
Also she was the ringleader of all she was already 14 yearold . Third child name was Sabrina she was spoiled always thought she was the most beautifulest girl ever .always cared about popularity and school and attacking her enemies at school. That the only thing that came out of her mouth was I m better than you she already turned 11 year old . There fourth kid was a boy nam Michael he was bad and nice at some time he could get angry very quickly he was always greedy never shared always played video games. He was10 yearold. There fifth kid name Allison very smart has a big mouth say something she wouldn't like you will regret it she's hilarious and fun she is 8 yearold. There six child he was funny goofy and hilarious and always was a cutie he was 7 years old there seventh child was just very quiet always hungry and giggles for no reason he was 5 years old

9 Bad  Brilliant ChildrenKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat