A Plans a' Brewin

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Authors Note
Hey who ever is reading this, this is my first story ever... So sorry for the bad writing. ( and yes Zayn is in this story, if you don't like it... I don't care)
          "Madison! Wake the hell up! Your gonna be late for school!" My mom screamed from downstairs. "COMING! SLOW YOUR ROLL!"    "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME YOUNG LADY?!?!"    "I'm coming my precious mother, I love you!"     "Mhmm"   I groaned as I got up and started getting ready for school. I walked into the bathroom and hopped in the shower.
*Skip getting ready*
I skipped down the steps with my hair bouncing against my back. I made my way passed the living room and into the kitchen where my family is already sitting and eating breakfast. I walk up to my mom and dad and give them a good morning  peck on the cheek as I walk to serve my food and telekinesis the juice to me without anybody noticing. I grab scrambled eggs, 4 slices of bacon, 3 pancakes, and a cup of OJ. As I sit down I notice my sister giving me a disgusted look. "What did I do wrong this time, Janet?"   "Nothing... Just thinking how fat your gonna get because you eat to much." Janet says putting emphasis on the word fat. I scoff and roll my eyes. Here is the thing about my family, they all focus on looks to much. People say I'm pretty but I don't think so, I focus more on being smart and nice rather than being pretty, dumb and mean, like my sister. Don't get me wrong I love my family... I just feel like I don't belong I guess. *HONK HONK* " GET IN B*TCH WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" And that loud screaming is my best friend Daniel. I say good bye to my family and head towards the door. I hop into the back seat of Daniels red jeep and see my friend Monica. "Hey Monica" "Hey Mads" "ARE YOU GIRLS READY TO PARTY TONIGHT?!?!" Of course Daniel would bring up the party tonight. It is my boyfriend Ian's birthday and his parents are out of town so he is throwing a party. "I don't know guys, it's gonna be pretty wild" Monica states. We are a clique,( me,Monica,Daniel,Ian, and Monica's boyfriend Shawn), in this clique we each have a roll. Monica is the goody two shoes, Daniel is the fashionable and gay, Ian is the funny one, Shawn is the mature one, and I am the smart, shy and nice one. Just as I was about to reply to Monica we pulled up to the school. *sigh* I jump out the red jeep and automatically see Ian and Shawn strolling up to us. "Hey babe!" "Hey Ian" we had a quick peck on the lips and intertwined our hands as we walk up to the front doors of the school. We walk into class and head toward our 1st period.
*Skip to Lunch*
I walk to the cafeteria and sit at our usual table between the nerds and the ratchets. As expected Ian sits to my left and Daniel sits to my right. I am about to take a big bite of my overflowing Nutella sandwich, when Ian turns to me " Madii you are coming to my party tonight right?" I look at him a bit confused... I mean 1. Who would miss a party *cough cough* Monica *cough cough* and 2. Why would I miss his birthday? "Ya babe I'm definitely gonna be there!" I said with a smile on my face. At first Ian looked disappointed but as soon as I noticed the look it was gone behind a large grin. "OKAY! Great babe I will see you there, what time are you coming?" " O... Um I would say around 8" *RIIIIIIING!* We all got up and went to our classes.

*Skip to end of school*
*RIIIIIING* I got up and gathered my belongings. I rushed through the busy hallway and went outside to meet up with Daniel so he could come to my house and get me ready for the party. He had his clothes in the back of the car. Neatly ironed and folded of course. We got home and went straight to my room to get ready. I took a shower while Daniel chose my clothes. I came out the shower in a towel and looked to see a sky blue, tight, short dress with white heels laid out for me. I started thanking the heavens for a best friend with a fashion sense. I put on my dress, did my makeup, and curled my hair into neat little springs. I look at the clock and it says 6:00. I figured why not just go a little early the party started at 5 anyway. I walk out of my room to see Daniel wearing a white button down shirt with Black skinny jeans and loosely strung combat boots. "You ready?" "Ya sure thing, btw that dress looks hotter on you than I imagined." We walked out the door and to the car.
*skip car ride*
We pull up in Ian's drive way to see the party in full swing. I hop out the car and walked up into the recked house. I didn't see Ian anywhere so I got a drink and walked around looking for him. I went upstairs and opened his bedroom door to find two people snogging. "HEY YOUR NOT SUPPO..." I was interrupted by the people pulling apart. " IAN?!?! MONICA?!?! WTF?!?! WHAT ABOUT SHAWN YOU SKANKY HORNY HOER I CANT BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THIS TO US! WE OBVIOUSLY ARE DONE AND SHAWN IS GONNA HEAR ABOUT THIS!" I had tears pulling at my eyes so I turned around and started running. I left the party and ran down the street sobbing my broken heart out. I ran into the house and closed the door. "Mads is that you?" I hear my dad ask "Ya" I say while brushing my tears away. "Come in to the kitchen your mother and I need to talk to you and your siblings" I drag myself to the kitchen and sit down on one of the bar stools, where my brother and sister are already located. "Um kids there is no easy way to say this... Your mother... And I... Are getting a divorce." At first I stayed completely still in shock, not sure if I heard correctly. I then look at my sister who is in tears and at my brother who looks dumbfounded. I then Realized I heard correctly. I ran to my room and slammed the door shut as I plopped onto my bed sobbing loudly. All in one night I lost a boyfriend, a close friend, and my bonded family. I didn't know what to do! I grabbed a large purple suitcase and packed all my clothes and shoes. I then grabbed a large black backpack, snuck downstairs grabbed food,water, and my moms wallet. I creeped back upstairs and into my room. I decided I was leaving tonight... While everybody was sleeping.

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