Chapter 1- The last drop of ink

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Inkerina's pov
'It's dark and cold but I'm finally out of that hellhole...' I think to myself as I walk back from my school in the storm. 'Thank god I have this umbrella or I've would have been dead by now....' But as I walked past that alleyway, ''
I walked back from school in the pouring rain and I heard heavy breathing coming from an alleyway. As curiosity forced me to walk towards the alleyway but not taking more than three steps into the alley I start seeing drops of ink mixing in water, oh no...OH NO! I quickly run into the alley and I own brother's dead body melting in front of me.


As my eyes start stinging and rain starts lightening up,I remember another memory..

As I was playing with my friends as I heard someone scream in agony and the sound of rushing water. As I look behind me a huge wave was about to engulf me when blur rushed by and scooped my little 5 year old body and ran toward the back entrance of my village , I found out that my savior was my 8 year old brother, Issac.
"Brother what's happening?!" I asked scared. "We just need to run sis!" He said while he puts me down and grabs my hand and starts running towards the city.

My ink like tears starts crusading down my cheeks as I reached to my sorry excuse of a house. I walked inside and looked into my empty fridge. I sigh "Well, time to get my dinner the hard way..." I say to myself as I pull my hood over my head and go outside with a new intention..

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