Dreams and.... Zombies?

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Having a terrifying dream about zombies, then sleeping VERY restlessly after makes for kind of grumpy, tired, Miriam.

But the dream was scary!!!!!! I was hanging out with these older people I didn't even know, and they were having a family reunion thing. Then their car alarm goes off, and no one makes it stop! I was pretty much screaming (as much as I could in a whisper) at them to shut it off, saying it would draw the zombies to us.
They didn't listen, an' sure enough, the death parade arrived, stopping for a visit.

The old people handed me a baseball bat covered in barbed wire (thanks y'all) and let me defend them. I did have a little help from my best friend, storykeepers, and the old man decided to jump in and exercise a bit.

What made it really worse was the fact that my dog, Yogi, was zombified (noooooooooo). He wasn't even attacking anybody! I guess his Lab side kicked in then, and I'm standing there, not wanting to kill him, but knowing I have to.

After knocking a few heads together, I turn towards Yogi (😭) and start to swing the bat at his head. I hit and hit, but it did nothing. He just stood there with his tongue out, all happy-zombie-like.
(What's going on??!!?!?)

Well then the zombies leave, and I'm all like "We need to hide, or something," and the others are just acting like it doesn't matter.

Oh it's fine. Don't mind us. We'll just be stupid and loud to draw the attention to us. We don't need to hide.


Anyways, at this point, for some odd reason, I reaallly had to use the restroom. So the lady shows me inside their house (which, I have to say, was actually a really awesome place. They had this upstairs loft type thing that had like 15 beds all over the room. Perfect for sleepovers. And there was this pretty weird, but cool bathroom thingy. Idk).

So I follow this lady through the house (never did use the restroom) and upstairs, sleeping in one of the beds, is my brother! It's like, "Dude... WHY WEREN'T YOU HELPING!!"

Meanwhile, I'm watching the zombies run all over the subdivision, attacking the stupid people who thought it would be a good idea to have a carnival downtown.

Finally, I woke up, lying ridged, heart beating like a racehorse, and body shivering.
I don't know what made me have that kind of dream, but whatever it was, I never want it again.

I think I was more scared of the fact that my dog became a zombie, and also that nobody did anything!

Moral of the story, if you have a zombie apocalypse, and you invite me over, but do nothing to defend yourself, instead letting me defend you, I will hit you over the head with the barbed baseball bat.

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