Chapter 3 (edited)

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Xavier’s crying woke me up in the middle of the night.

“Hey baby” I say walking up to his crib and holding him in my arms.

Xavier stops crying and rests his head on my shoulder.

“What happened is he ok?” mum came rushing into my room.

“He’s fine mom, probably just a bad dream or something” I assured her.

“Well ok. Why don’t you go sleep I’ll take care of him, you have work tomorrow” she suggested.

“No, that’s ok”

“Are sure?” she asked.

I nodded and without another word mum left.

I tried singing twinkle, twinkle to Xavier but it sounded off so I sang You Smile instead.

Xavier slowly drifted off to sleep.

Having Xavier with me gave me a reason to live. I had considered suicide after the night I was raped but the doctor told me I was pregnant.

Mum and dad had suggested I get rid of it, I shuddered as recalled their exact words.

Every time I walk down the street holding Xavier people passing by have a look on their face that reads isn’t she a little too young to be a mother?

Yes, and I was also too young to raped.

It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks anymore. Xavier matters and I matter to him.

I do know how important a father is in a child’s life but I promised to give him so much love that he wouldn’t need one since his father is in rehab for drug addiction problems, or something like that ( i couldn't careless)  and didn’t even know Xavier existed. He had his fun fun and left.

Nothing happened to him. His father was rich and knew a lot of people so he bought his way out.

A rich spoiled brat who got what he wanted and what he didn’t get, he took, by force.   

No one believed I was raped not even my best friend. I lost all my friends. I was the kind of girl who didn’t have any enemies but after that one night everything changed.

Looking at Xavier sleep so peacefully gave me hope and I was sure we were going to be just fine.


“Hi” I smiled at the middle aged receptionist. She had dark hair which was always tied in a messy knot and she wore big round geek glasses that covered her large round dark eyes.

“Hello” she said politely.

“Miss Angela you have such beautiful eyes, it’s a pity you have to hide with those glasses” I winked.

Her smile widened “What can I do for you Mr. Johnson?”

“I would like to reschedule my classes” I said.

“Why? Is everything alright?” she asked concerned.

“I’m being stalked, I know its hard to believe” that’s a lie it was totally believable, I was so good looking I had a about a million stalkers “But there is this one girl, nothing serious but shes kind of a distraction” I continued. The truth was none of my classes had Ariana in them.

“Why don’t you talk to the principle, he should get this girl off you case” she suggested.

“I wouldn’t want to make a big deal of it” I said staring into her eyes.

“Ok, Mr. Johnson let me see what I can do”

“Oh thank you Miss you’re the best” I said giving her a wide smile.


"Hey man" Austen greeted me by my locker.


"You broke up with Ahana?" he asked.

"Yeah" i said. After my awesome night with Arianna and cute little Xavier, Ahana was pissed that I had forgotten about our date so I broke up with her.

She screamed , shrieked even threw a punches at me.

“She’s been telling everyone she dumped you. Rumors are spreading fast. Some people think it’s because of your punctuality” That part could be true since I never arrived for a date on time.

“Others think she left you for an older college guy” Austen continued.

I shrugged “I couldn’t careless less”

“Why’d you to dump her?”

“I got bored” I said as we made our way to class.

“But she so hot!” Austen insisted.

“Yeah that’s why I went out with in the first place”

My first class was Biology and Austen’s math.

“See you later” he said and left for his class.

I nodded and made my way to class. I was in luck, the seat beside Arianna was empty.

“Hi” I said taking my seat beside her.

“You’re in this class?” she asked confused.

“Yeah I had to reschedule to make time for basketball practice” I lied smoothly.

Im no slut I'm just a teen momDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora