3 - Mon Ami

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"That suitcase is heavy, no?"

The crowd of suited men had grown distant. Evangeline and Michael had walked-and-talked their way along the quiet road; bewitched by each other's charm and wit. The painted shutters were closed and the families sat inside playing cards or charades.

"Oh it's alright" reassured Michael as they walked briskly along the cobbles, smooth and slippery, worn away by years of use.

"Well you could always drop it at my apartment and pick it up later? If you would like" suggested Evangeline.

Cool air blew in from the east, whipping up the litter and creating tiny tornados of dust, which swirled around the two silhouettes on the quiet street. One with a suitcase, one with a red beret. The wind blew Evangeline's dark brown hair from her face, revealing her beauty. Her pale, un-blemished skin, her thin salmon coloured lips and her enchanting celadon eyes.

"Alright then, if that's okay?"

"Of Course"

By now they had reached the end of the 'Rue Blanche'. The road opened into a clearing, the buildings were made of the same sandy stone and in the centre of the clearing there stood a huge trinity church surrounded by green trees, which rocked in the breeze.

"It's the most beautiful church in Paris in my opinion, look at the three statues, there's faith" she said leaning close to Michael and pointing at the statue "And the middle ones hope" she said changing the position of her finger to point to the middle statue which was a woman with two stone children looking down at the people on the wide street. "and the last one and most important is charity; love god and love thy neighbor" she said, and turned her head and kissed Michael on the cheek. He stood still for a while watching the sandy stone statues expecting them to come alive due to the lifelike sculpting with impecible detail. He blushed and brushed his cheek as he felt her lips part form his skin, she watched and smiled and while raising her hand high she said "Voilà!" They both broke into wide grins and laughed.

Michael watched as she ran down the road, her dress flying behind her, bellowing like a flag in a storm. Her dress was of white and pink chiffon, and each layer sat slightly higher than the other, and so now the colours cascaded from light to dark, and turned the street shades of pink as the lights shone through the translucent material. He laughed as she turned and ran, admiring how free she was, he'd never met a woman like her. She acted as though an equal to men, as though nothing could hold her back, she did what she wanted to and nobody stopped her. He joined her, and started to run, but was immediately impeded by the heavy suitcase he held in his left arm.

"Slow down" he shouted, as she continued to run.

"I thought you said it wasn't heavy" she shouted back at him.

"Well, I lied" he responds truthfully.

"Well it's not far" she said as he walked towards her.


"Here we are" she said, as they reached the 2nd floor of the building. The stairs were marble and in the middle a red carpet had been laid. A large chandelier hung from the top of the building, illuminating the stair well with luscious beams of gold. She opened the door to her apartment, and Michael peered in. The hallway was long and material was hung like curtains all the way along, making the hallway look like a massive tent.

"Just shove it in there" she said, simply. And gave the suitcase a shove and pushed it into the hallway and slammed the door "Let's keep the neighbors awake" she explained, with a chuckle and ran down the stairs, and shouted up "And now we eat!"

Michael and Evangeline burst into the street, happily, laughing as the customers from the café opposite turned and gave them those judging looks. Out of the French doors of the cafe, came an old, rather rotund man, squeezed into a chef's uniform and carrying a basket of bread. He glanced over in Evangeline's and Michaels direction, and at spotting them his face became animated, almost like a characterture. He smiled at Evangeline and laughed jollily shouting over.

"J'aurais dû savoir que ce bruit, c'était vous. Venez-vous manger? Vous devez me présenter à vos amis!"

Evangeline smiled back at the old man. "Bien sûr que je suis venue pour manger. A quel autre endroit irais-je pour manger?" she replied as they walked over the road and entered the small square of tables. When Evangeline grew close enough she gave the man a kiss on each cheek and said 'salut'. The cafe was busy; all the tables were taken and the waiters and waitresses ran in an out of the wooden French doors, with plates of food; 2 on each arm.

"Vous semblez être pleins aujourd'hui, auriez-vous une table pour nous?" asked Evangeline, kindly.

"Bien sûr, il y a toujours de la place pour vous" he replied, animated as though a Shakespearian actor, showing his skill, loud so that the tables could hear him and admire.

"Oh, je t'aime, Pierre" she said sincerely, staring deeply into his wise and aged eyes.

He smiled at her, taking in the compliment and replied saying "Moi aussi". And with that he whizzed off through the tables and clicked his fingers. Immediately, a strong waiter walked out through the white French doors, carrying a small wooden table, high in the air. He placed the table down, in the middle of the road.

"Vous prendrez bien un verre de vin?" shouted Pierre as Michael and Evangeline stared at the table placed in the middle of the road.

"Oh, Pierre c'est mon ami Michael, il est anglais" said Evangeline as they walked in through the French doors. Pierre turned quickly and looked at Michael, and rested his hand under Michaels chin. He pushed Michael's head up, then to the left and then to the right as though buying a slave and said "Oui, Anglais".

"Welcome to Paris, Michael. Are you here long?"

"Just the summer" said Michael sitting next to Evangeline, on the bar stools by the long, beautifully carved bar.

"Good, bon, bon, I hope to see much of you" energetically replied Pierre, while pouring, a generous glass of white wine for Michael. He pushed the glass forward, towards Michael, suggesting he should try it. Michael obliged, and took a sip of the wine, it was strong, sweet and cool. He swallowed it and said "It's good"

"That is what I like to hear Michael, we shall be good friends" he said truthfully, staring at Michael warmly, while pouring out another glass of wine for Evangeline.

"Vous feriez bien de vous y accrocher, à celui-là." Pierre whispered to Evangeline, and she smiled , as he walked off along the bar.

"C'est bien mon intention" she shouted after him.

He turned sharply, smiling and shouted "Bon" laughing and grinning at Evangeline and Michael.

AN: I Hope you enjoy this installment, the French has been checked now by 'YzabelGinsberg' and also by 'arielyolo' 

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