CHAPTER 3 That Weird Girl

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Surie stared at the book in front of her, Moby Dick, page 133. She had only read one page since last night and today. The police were still here taking as much evidence there was but the crime seemed that it couldn never be solved.

The twins and Solay stayed the twins' room while the policeman were investigating the bedroom. 

The twins were playing games on the T.V. in their room with Solay. Surie watched them and felt like playing with them, but that would be chlidish.

Surie didn't bother with reading Moby Dick since she all ready knew what would happen. You know, Moby Dick sinks the ship and whatever. So, she closed the book shut and rested her head on the twins' pillows. 

Hema and Mitchell returned back into the house and two o'clock. They called the twins, Solay and Surie to come downstairs for a family meeting in the living room.

We sat down on the carpet in the living room. 

"You kids must be wondering what's going, right?" Mitchell said. 

The twins and Solay all nodded.

"I don't like strangers in my house!" Donny shouted out. 

"Well, these strangers are a help to us, remember that." Mitchell said. "Anyway, kids, we need to tell you something very important."

Hema hid her face with her clothes so no one sees her cry.

"Jules, she won't be with us for a long time..." Mitchell trailed off. "She's on a trip."

"Cool! Where she's going?" Tommy asked.

Mitchell put his head down. "A world where butterflies roam around, a place where you can do whatever you want and the light always shines."

The kids looked happy instead of sad. They kept on saying, "I want to go there!" They didn't seem to notice Hema crying under her clothes.

Surie brung her knees close to her a watched the kids smile and laugh it bothered her a bit. What really bothered her was who killed Jules? How did she end up outside? But don't worry, all those questions will be answered by Surie Mikawei herself. Just some magic will do.

But let's not get too ahead of ourselves. For now, we'll go nice and slow.

For dinner, they had the leftovers of yesterday. Hema refused to cook food and join the family for dinner. So, at the dinner table two seats who empty.

Dinner was quiet, besides Tommy and Donny fighting over the last portion of the spaghetti. Lucky them, they didn't have Hema to say "Manners!", it wasn't the right mood for that anyway.

Hema came downstairs near midnight with a photo album decorated with stickers and miniture decorations. She opened it up and smiled. Pages were full of photos of Jules when she was younger. And then there were pictures when she and Mitchell decided to adopt. There it was, the pictures of Jules and Surie and age eight when Surie first came to their house. Hema grunted. She took the pictures of Surie and Jules got scissors and completely cut out Surie in every picture she was in. Now, the photo album was only of Jules, not even the twins or Solay, just Jules. Hema smiled. Oh, how she even dared to let that girl into the house. She tightened her hand into a fist.

"Oh, Surie Mikawei." she whispered. "I'll find out who killed Jules. Even if it's not you, i don't care." 

She then put back the pictures and the pieces of pictures where it belongs. One in the photo album and one burning outside.

The morning was as rainy as usual. Today Hema and Mitchell will be going out for to pick out a casket for Jules' furneral. They decided that the kids won't go to Jules' furneral because they thought it would be hard on them and haunt their lives forever. They didn't want them to go through what Surie had to go through before she was adopted. When her mother died right in front of her. She told Hema and Mitchell about what happened a week after she was adopted. For now, you won't know about it until you are ready for it. Surie wil tell you herself.

"Where's Hema and Mit?" Solay asked in her cute innocent way.

Surie turned to her with her new book called BOOK  which her mother have given her when she was little.

"Shopping." answered Surie. "They went shopping." (for a casket she should add)

"Oh," said Solay, "'Cause they looked kind of sad when they left." she frowned then went to play with the twins outside (not in the backyard). Surie followed her with her book in hand.

She sat on the steps and watched them.

"I wonder if they've found a suspect yet." she whispered to herself.

From what she had heard from the policeman (while spying) they said they found no fingerprints or footprints. Which is strange. And to top it off, there's no wound too. They checked the body of Jules and found no internal injuries. It's really a strange case afterall.

"SURIE!" Tommy shouted. 

She looked up.

"Donny got hurt again!"

Surie stood up, left her book on the steps and checked Donny and found no scratches. 

"Are you tricking me, Donny?"

"No way!" he said grunting after. "My tummy hurts!"

He gripped his stomach and grunted. 

She pulled his hand away and saw, blood?

She pulled up his shirt and didn't see any wounds.

She let go of his hand and stood up. Is the same thing happening to Donny like it did to Jules?

She didn't have time to think. She picked up Donny and ran inside the house with Tommy and Solay trailing behind.

She laid him down on a couch in the living room. 

"What should i do?" she whispered. She closed her eyes and thought hard.

Silly girl.

Surie froze.

"Surie? Donny!" said Tommy shaking her. Her whole body froze to a stop. 

A misterious voice kept ringing in her ears. Surie, surie....

Surie massaged her head. You know what to do....

What to do?

Instantly, Surie rushed back to normal and grabbed Donny's arm. 

"It's coming from the arm..." she whispered.

"What?" Tommy asked.

Surie ignored Tommy and began pushing down on Donny's arm. Suddenly, Donny stopped grunted and the blood disapeared.

"Woah." said Tommy. "How'd you do that?"

Surie shrugged. "Hey, Donny?" she said shaking him.

He looked at her with a smile. "All better!"

Surie smiled and hugged Donny tight. He smile righteously.

Solay looked to the book in her hands. She opened it and read what it said.

Excerpt from BOOK:

We are the Internals, we are the united... 

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