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I absolutely hate Evan. He's the most annoying person on the planet, and of course of all people, I have to put up with him. We will have been in the same dungeon for exactly a year as of tomorrow. We were of the first people imprisoned by the cooperation known as Staples, because our parents were in the FBI. The FBI is really a secret group of spies that fight any sort of uprising, and my parents were in charge. Staples kidnapped my brother and I when they started to gain power and held us hostage to get our parents out of the way.
Our parents were kind, but they were idiots. I have no clue how they ended up in control of the FBI. Staples said that they would let me and Evan go if Momsie and Popsie sacrificed themselves. Not the most creative trap, but it worked. Our parents are long gone. However, now Evan and I are undercover in a different cell. Staples thinks we got away. This was all part of our plan. Evan and I snuck into another full cell, so we could help those people escape, and Staples would waste scouts searching the world for us, the youngest members of the FBI in the world, but we would be right under their noses. Unfortunately, plans don't always go according to plan. Of course, my pea-brained little brother dropped the keys we had snatched into the sewage systems that run underneath the dungeons.
Now we are acting undercover as peasants in a cell with a bunch of people that shipped us at first sight. When Oz first mentioned that we would be cute together, we were disgusted, but we soon realized it was a brilliant disguise. Evan and I can stay unnoticed by the guards for now. They're looking for siblings, not love struck teens. Our "relationship" has a few problems, however. We can't fancy anyone else, or we may be discovered as frauds. Evan has a thing for one of the guards. I myself can't take my eyes off the pale features of Tiff, our newest cell mate.
  Tiff came here three months ago. A pair of guards threw her into the cell and slammed the door. Tiff immediately ran to the grate and yelled profane insults at the guards, so they had to take her and give her a chill pill. It didn't kick in at first though, and her sarcastic comments really got to the guards on the way back to the cell. She even made one cry. Tiff is like that. She always has something to say, and she isn't afraid of anything.
  Me on the other hand, can't say anything that's on my mind. Right now all anyone thinks of me is that I'm some naive little girl who's madly in love with some gamer. Little do they know, I have level 8 ninja FBI training. Sigh. Only Tiff sees past the stupid girl that's fragile as glass that everyone else sees. Around Oz and Lilith she plays along, but I feel like I've opened up to her in our long conversations. I think she has an idea that Evan and I aren't really a thing, but she never asks.
Right now, Oz and Lil are huddled in a corner. They are both me and Evan's OTP. He whispers to me how cute they look together, and I giggle. Tiff tells us to make out and I have to stop myself from LOLing. I glare at her instead. Suddenly, Evan's man crush Cameron Marvel bursts into the room with a bright pink megaphone that has a Staples© logo on it. Lil, Oz, Tiff, and I all hiss at the logo, but Evan is staring dreamy eyed at Cameron. I kick him. I watch Evans face with as a smirk as Cameron and Oz embrace. Something about chess. Evan is getting green, and I kick him again. Luckily everyone else is too busy watching Cameron to notice his jealousy.
Cameron gets scolded for hugging Oz, and we eat our mushy brown meal in silence. Evan and I talk quietly. "Do you think we'll ever get out?" He asks, leaning on my shoulder. I giggle to throw off the crew. If we ever have a serious looking conversation, they might start asking questions.
"Get a room," Tiff groans. I groan back. Evan tells Lilith and Oz to get a room, and I readily agree. They are #GOALS #AF!!! Tiff agrees with me, which helps me go to sleep on a happy note. It's cold tonight, but I snuggle up next to Tiff. Sometimes we have long conversations about our lives before the Overthrowing, Tiff and I. We both felt drawn to each other the moment she arrived. Tiff isn't much of a snuggler, but tonight she's cold too. Of course, Evan has to ruin my moment by joining the pile, but that's okay. I rest my head on Tiff's shoulder and my eyes flutter shut into a peaceful slumber.

The Legend of Anna's (Ankara's POV)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora