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I wake up not to the sound of clanking metal as the guards rattle on our doors, but to the gently touch of Tiff shaking me awake. "What-" I say, and then realize that it is still pitch black I close my mouth, but not before everyone has had the chance to shush me. I roll my eyes and whisper, "what's going on?"
Cameron Marvel towers over me. I look at him in disgust. I don't really like any of the guards, although he has always been the kindest. I have no clue how Evan could like him. I would only date him if I were being held over a pit of nails.
Anyways, Cameron beckons us and holds a finger over his lips, motioning for us to be quiet and follow him. We wind down stairways and tunnels, and I lose track somewhere in the middle. My parents would be disappointed. "Always know how to get back," they'd say. "If you don't, then it's no good even if you escape."
We reach a room with a wooden door that's lit by candles. It smells a little funny, but I'm not complaining. "We should be safe here for the rest of the night," Cameron tells us. I'm exhausted. I never did like running. It always seemed so pointless to me. When Evan and my parents made us train for the FBI, we always had to run. Evan didn't mind, but I hated the idea of running around in circles for no reason, never going anywhere. I felt as pointless as a mouse in a pet store, always doing the same thing. Eat sleep, run around and around in a little wheel for the entertainment of others. I drift off to sleep thinking about cheese. Maybe being a mouse wouldn't be too bad after all.

  The next day is more of the same, but we can raise our voices more. We are out of the dungeons. I suppose I should explain the castle. You see, it's not just a place where the Royal family live. All of the people who work for Staples live here, so it has to be huge. The servants, the poor, and the prisoners occupy the Underground. This is where we have been wandering around for all of yesterday. Everyone who lives in the castle knows it like the back of their hand, but if you've never seen it, you're bound to get lost. It is a maze of it tunnels and small rooms, all connected, but not in a way that makes any sense. This is the design of the head engineer, as a last defense for prisoners who escape. Even if you get out of your cell, you could never find your way out without the help of a castle resident.
  Once it's about noon, Cameron stops us at a staircase. It's small and unelaborate, so I assume it is for a servant to use. "This leads right to the thrones of the two princesses," Cameron says.
  I tune out. I've heard plenty about them. Apparently princess Mila is the kindest hearted person around, whereas princess Kelsey has a heart of stone. People come from all over for advice. Many unsuspected peasants have accidentally gotten in line to see Kelsey, and have left crying.
  Apparently the party has come to a decision. Someone has to go hide behind a plant. After some arguing, Lilith is chosen. The rest of us are left in the dungeon. We sit in an awkward circle for a little, until Tiff suggests we play Oz's Hair. "What's that?" Cameron asks.
  "It's all about self control. Good practice for keeping something a secret." I say, and then glance at Evan. He acts odd, and turns away. We don't share the knowing smile that we normally would.
  "We played it in the dungeon to pass time," Oz tells Cameron. "It's where you ask someone any question, and they have to answer, with Oz's Hair without laughing."
  "You guys have fun with that," Cameron says. "I have to go talk to Mila."
  Tiff starts us off, asking Evan what he brushes his teeth with. He doesn't even smirk. Something seems off about him today. It's probably just that we're finally getting out. He gets annoyed when there isn't a schedule for anything. He asks Oz what he likes to eat as a midnight snack, and gets up to leave. I try to catch his eye, but he slips away.
  We have a good time, with Tiff asking all the dirty questions, Oz and I can hardly ever keep a straight face. Tiff can always make us smile. I see Lilith out of the corner of my eye. She looks lonely. I suggest we send someone to go sneak in with her, in case she gets caught, but Tiff doesn't think she will.
Evan wanders back into the room, a guilty look on his face. I ask him what's wrong, but before he can say anything I hear a sneeze, followed by some yelling. "Crap!" Tiff shrieks.
Evan and I share a look, and push Oz to go save Lilith. Of course, he doesn't really save her at all. He just falls right at the feet of the guards that are grabbing a hold of Lilith, and he gets put in hand cuffs too. Evan puts a hand over my mouth so I don't scream. It's funny that he thought of me first. That's the last thing I think of before it all turns into a blur.
So much happens so fast, and next thing I know I'm in a dimly lit room with Evan, Tiff, and a short girl I soon recognize to be princess Kelsey. I don't see Cameron anywhere. "Wha- What happened?" I stutter. But then I remember. Cameron. Oz. Lilith. I sit up. I must have passed out. But then how did I get here? It looks like we are in some servant's quarters.
Evan looks at me in the way he does when we are acting all love struck. I glare at him, and ask what's going on. Evan says he carried me here. Tiff reminds us that we are obviously in love, and that we can just tell her already and stop pretending.
  Kelsey snickers. "Tell them," she says. I'm not sure who she's talking to, but Evan looks at me.
  "Oh," I say. Kelsey must be referring to me and Evan's deepest secret. That has to be what he went to talk to her about. I would have liked to tell everyone at once, but I'll have to start with Tiff for now.
  "If you're about to kiss or something, I knew all along," Tiff smirks she settles back into her corner of the room.
  "Tiff, Evan and I are siblings. We had to pretend to be two lovebirds so Staple's wouldn't execute us like they did our parents," I say. Tiff's jaw drops. I admit, it feels good to get this out. "We've been faking this whole time."
  Kelsey nods at Evan, smirking. "Actually," he steps foreword and bites his lip. "I wasn't. Faking, I mean. Um..." Now I'm the shocked one. Tiff just looks confused. To be honest, I don't really understand what's happening either. "We're not siblings. You know how your parents were spies? Yeah. I am too. They found me on the streets one night as a baby, and took me in to look after you. All that 'gaming' I did? I was logging your progress. Sending updates to your parents on your wellbeing. It was hard to not become attached to you, but..." He trails off. Now, this may not seem like a horrendous crime, but Evan has just admitted to one of the biggest mistakes you could ever make as a spy. Becoming attached to a subject. He could be executed, or tortured until he dies for this. And he did it for me.
"Evan, I..." I don't know what to say. I always knew he didn't really look like me, but...
"This is soooo good!" Kelsey cackles. "I love drama! This is better than any jester I've ever seen!" Evan glares at her. She shoes him foreword.
Evan isn't finished yet. "Er, Ankara, I know you have never really thought about
me like this, but..." I watch in amazement as he gets on one knee.
I hear Kelsey grunt and see a body fall in the hall, distracting me for a moment. "Sorry, I punch things when I'm happy. This guy was just walking by. It was convenient. Carry on!"
Evan glares at her and she smirks back. He turns back to me and I stare deep into his dark eyes. "Let's try this again," he says, pulling out a small box. My hands fly up to my face and I gasp in anticipation.
Evan opens his mouth to ask me the question every girl dreams of hearing. "Will you marry me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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