Where Do Babies Come From?

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Prompt from OTP prompts on tumblr

Imagine your OTP has adopted a young toddler who wants to know where babies come from. Imagine A is trying to keep the explanation as reasonably PG as possible for a child, while B says something completely ridiculous like "they come from Amazon if you and someone you love sell part of your soul. And maybe Jesus if you ask him really, really hard. But mostly Amazon."

"Daddy." Yoichi looked across the table at his five-year-old daughter,Kaede.

"Yes, what is it ?"He replied, taking a sip from his glass of water.

"Where do babies come from?" Yoichi almost choked on his water. He looked pleadingly over at Yuu, who was trying (and failing) to hold back his laughter. Yuu nodded at him.

"Don't worry Chi I got this" Yoichi let out a sigh of relief. At times like this Yoichi was grateful for Yuu's open-mindedness and unfazed nature when it came to strange requests. Mostly he was just grateful for Yuu in general.

Yuu turned to their curious child, still awaiting an answer. Yuu tried to steady his voice, still shaking with laughter. Suddenly, Yoichi wondered if letting Yuu drop this life-changing knowledge on their child was really okay. He looked over at her, she was darting her bright emerald eyes between her parents; they were full of curiosity and unknowing. Yoichi was snapped out his admiring thoughts when Yuu began to speak " They come from the Amazon but only if you and your lover give away part of your souls" Yuu paused " Also Jesus if you ask him really nicely but that takes like five-hundred pleases ,so people mostly do the Amazon thing" He turned to Yoichi and smirked "But since your Daddy is so cute Jesus only made us say ten pleases and gave us the most amazing baby of them all" Yuu leaned over and planted a soft kiss on his daughter's forehead while she giggled lightly.

There was no doubt Kaede was amazing. It was rare that an adopted child would end up looking just their adopted parents but somehow she had Yuu's bright green eyes and Yoichi's cinnamon hair, curling gently whilst darking at the ends. Not only was their daughter similar to them in appearance but she also acted like them. She was often caught doing stupid things (that to be honest only Yuu would do) due to having Yuu's adventurous spirit ,after being patched she would apologize profusely while explaining her (always flawed) reasoning due to having Yoichi's manners and general need to please.

Yoichi pondered maybe Yuu was being metaphorical, Jesus was probably the adoption agency, five-hundred pleases was most likely whether or not they thought you were fit to be a parent and relation to Yoichi's 'cuteness' was really the fact because of Yoichi's gentle looks most people assumed he'd make a good parent. Yoichi laughed, though it was quite a smart way of putting he was sure there were better ways to explain it.

Once the disaster was averted, the family went back to discussing more casual subjects. After dinner, Yoichi went to wash the dishes while Yuu prepared Kaede for bed.

As her parents tucked her into bed Kaede sleepily muttered "Jesus should be sorry..." Yoichi felt his body go rigged with dread.

"Why?" Yoichi rasped trying his hardest to stop his shaking voice. Maybe their child adopting their personalities wasn't such an 'amazing' thing. Yoichi gently touched his wrist. Especially if she had taken some of then negative parts of Yoichi's personality. Oh God was this some kind of sick, cruel, twisted punishment for his past mistakes. What if she ends up hating herself, what if she already does, what if she cuts when she grows up, what if-

"Cos' " His daughter's sleepy voice cut through Yoichi's frantic thoughts "Only Papa can call Daddy cute" He felt a wave of relief wash over him. His daughter wasn't apologizing for her existence, she was just being a child. The most beautiful,sweet, amazing child Yoichi has ,or will, ever lay his eyes on.

"DAMN STRAIGHT" Yuu exclaimed holding his hand up so his daughter could sleepily high five him before snuggling back against her pillow and beginning to lightly snore. The two men quietly leave their daughter's room.

" You really saved us back at the dinner table" Yoichi leaned onto Yuu's shoulder, exasperated from the ridiculousness of the evening. "I liked those weird metaphors you used"

"What metaphors?"Yuu chuckled at his sleepy lover" I just read too many Wonder Woman comics" Yoichi sighed sometimes he was less grateful for Yuu.

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