Wisdom teeth (Ethan)

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Your POV
"Y/N ready to go?" Your mom asked from downstairs "Yeah almost, one minute" you replied fixing your boyfriend Ethan's sweatshirt one last time before walking downstairs to your mom and Ethan.

Today you were getting your wisdom teeth out, which you were both nervous and happy about. You were nervous for the obvious reason that you were going to have surgery on your mouth and it's going to hurt/be sore after but you were also happy because they were hurting before and were just a pain in the ass.

You got in the car with your mom driving (obviously) and you and Ethan were sitting in the back next to each other, holding hands. You and Ethan were just talking about random things, just having a good conversation.

After a while you laid your head on Ethan's shoulder, still holding hands, and just enjoying him trying to sing to the songs that were playing on the radio, which he was absolutely awful at lip synching which made you laugh a lot.

After a while you guys had finally reached the dentist. All of you went in and waited for a little bit then your name was called. Ethan pecked your lips then you went into the other room.

«skip surgery»

Ethan's POV
After a while of waiting I saw Y/N being lead out of the room by one of the dentists. Just by looking at her I could tell she was super loopy from the medication that they gave her.

When she saw me her eyes lit up at and had the biggest smile on her face, it was so adorable. Once she reached me the dentist went over to her mom to tell her what to do to help Y/N and just pretty much how to take care of her. Y/N gave me a huge hug, it was so cute then she looked at me with a smile and was just staring at me and you could see the concentration on her face then she said "Oh my gosh your teeth are so bright. I can't see! It's too bright!" I just laughed and walked her out of the dentist office.

As I was buckling Y/N's seatbelt, she touched my jaw then she screamed which scared both her mom and I. Then she said "Ow Ettin you cut me with your jaw"

gosh she's so cute I thought

As were we driving Y/N was just saying random things that didn't make that much sense but it was just funny watching her and talking to her.

Y/N was singing or at least trying to sing and dance to the music that was playing and it was so funny and of course I recorded some of it and put it on snapchat, Twitter and Instagram. Then Y/F/S (your fav song) came on and Y/N was honestly having the best time ever and at her favourite part of the song she even started crying because it was so good.

After a while Y/N stopped talking and just passed out on me. It was so adorable and occasionally she would say random things in her sleep.

Once we arrived at the Y/L/N's (your last name) home Y/N was still passed out so instead of waking her up I decided to carry her into the house. I carried her to her room and laid her down on her bed while I sat at the end of her bed waiting her to wake up.

About 15 minutes later she woke up and was super loopy and she was laughing for no reason. It was so funny and cute.

Your POV
"I love you hvffsgjdrvhvfh
Jcjisgbtrsh what's happening? Where my mouth? Huh? I'm I'm I'm what? I'm uh idk what is happening."
Ethan was just laughing
"What am I saying?"
"I can't control what's going on"

«Like 2 hours later» (idk)

Ethan's POV
"Ethan my mouth hurts" Y/N whined which I can't blame her, her mouth must really hurt.

"I'm sorry baby. What do you want me to do? Do you want ice cream or water? Do you want me to get you more pillows or blankets? What do you need?" I wanted to make sure that she was comfortable as possible.

"I need you to come here and cuddle with me" oh she was just so adorable when she said that with her face all puffy and mouth sore so she couldn't move it that much.

I obviously did as she said and cuddled with her for as long as she wanted.

About 30 minutes of cuddled and talking Y/N completely passed out again and in her sleepy voice she said "I love you and hdvgsvgdvhgcx..." she was still a little loopy from the medication but it was still cute "I love you too" I replied.

Then you guys spent the rest of the day together doing nothing really just talking, eating, cuddling and sleeping. Also Ethan would get you anything you wanted/needed.

Hope you enjoyed😄 I decided to do this because Gray got his wisdom teeth out and yesterday I had to get a tooth pulled so I guess it kinda makes sense lol idk

I'll do a Grayson version of this soon :)

~Rachael ✌🏼️😜

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