Chapter 3

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"Spottedpaw! Remember to turn while you dodge!"

She stumbled out of the water as Ripplepaw lunged at her from the river. Unfortunately, Ripplepaw was too quick, and pulled her back paw out from underneath her. Spottedpaw fell to the ground with a thud.

Vinefoot padded over to her and helped her up. "It's been a moon, Spottedpaw. You keep trying to get out of the water when a cat attacks you. Remember; your enemies won't be used to the current. Just stay there, and you'll be fine."

Spottedpaw stared at the rushing water. Ripplepaw nodded.

"It's okay. I know how you feel."

Ripplepaw was Redpaw's brother. They had become friends when they started training together.

Spottedpaw shook her head. "I just don't want the feeling of being dragged under or something."

"Who would drag you under? Thunderclan?" Vinefoot snorted. "Come on. Just try dodging Ripplepaw again, and then we'll switch."

Ripplepaw crouched in the water again. His reddish-brown pelt blended in easily with the ground below him.

Spottedpaw stood on the edge of the water again. She stood in a fighting position. Watching his paws for any sign of movement, she steadied herself. I won't jump out. I won't jump out. I won't-

"Ah!" she yelped as Ripplepaw leaped at her. Before she could think she was out of the water again, shaking the water droplets off of her pelt. Vinefoot sighed.

"Okay. Okay! Don't worry, we'll work on this later. Maybe you two should switch, then. Ripplepaw hasn't tried it out yet."

They both nodded and switched placed. Spottedpaw sloshed around in the water, feeling its weight in her fur.
She crouched down. Ripplepaw posed in front of her. He nodded. Spottedpaw waited for a split second, then dove at him. He nimbly bounced out of the way, but not before Spottedpaw caught him on the shoulder with her claws.

"Ow!" he cried, falling to the ground. He twisted around to watch small beads of blood form. "What'd you do that for?"

"I'm so sorry!" Spottedpaw's ears burned with embarrassment. She pulled herself out of the river and peered at the scratch. "I...I didn't mean to. I just...I was about to grab you, and my claws just slid out or something....I don't know..." she spied some moss growing on the bank, and pulled it up, pushing it onto the wound. "I'll meet you in the medicine den later to give you some marigold leaves."

She helped him up and he tried out his shoulder.

"I'll be fine. It's just a scratch."

Vinefoot sniffed at it. "It still might get infected. You should listen to her."

Spottedpaw looked at the ground. "I'm sorry." she whispered. Vinefoot sighed.

"I think it's going to be okay. It was an accident, right? I'll just give you the rest of the day off; we were going to end soon anyway."

Spottedpaw nodded and led Ripplepaw over to the medicine den. She headed over to the ledge with all the herbs in the small indents. Ripplepaw flopped onto a nest and stretched out.

"Why can't I build my nest like this? This is really comfortable."

Spottedpaw gave him a look. "You aren't going to stay here, you know. These nests are for really sick or injured cats."
He waved his paw around. "Of course I'm injured. Look at this!"

Spottedpaw rolled her eyes and brought over some marigold leaves that she had turned into pulp. "This might sting a little. It's just to draw out infection."

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