↠ signs when they meet their bias

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aries the one who accidentally suffocates them by hugging them so hard; the ecstatic one

taurus the one who starts rambling on about all the things they adore about them.

gemini the one who is all smiles, and keeps telling them how much love they have for them.

cancer the one who is shy at first but then warms up and laughs with them and enjoys talking with them while they can.

leo the one who tries to stay calm while talking to them, but fails miserably.

virgo the one who proposes to their bias, partly joking but also not at all.

libra the one who gets a picture with their bias, and just enjoys being with them for the time being.

scorpio the one who screams bloody murder once they spot their bias because of their excitement.

sagittarius the one who starts immediately telling their bias how perfect they are, and that they love them.

capricorn the one who tries to touch them and stares at them in amazement and joy.

aquarius the one who meets them and acts like a normal person, but is secretly dying inside.

pisces the one who faints when it's their turn at a fan meeting.

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