The War

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Jack POV

I woke up and Venus was dance with ear buds on I sat up and yawned I tried to touch Venus but she jumped in fright.

"Did I scare you," I said

"No but aren't you going to get packing the coven leaders are ready ," She said

I jumped out the bed and hurried in a shower and I got dressed and looked for my phone I went into my bedroom and Venus was gone so I couldn't asked Venus so I looked under the cover and under the bed and it wasn't there so I decided to look under my pillow and found a note from Venus I smiled and opened the letter.

Dear Jack

I know your going to be mad at me for doing this but I had to do this you have to understand that I'm the only one who can protect the coven so I am going to the hunter's to stop them from killing vampires I'm going to agree with them if they don't agree then they leave me no choice to kill them so I love you and when you read this I'm probably already going to be talking them but don't get mad at anyone.

-P.S I love you Venus

I crumbled the piece of paper and took my luggage and headed down stairs I saw Alice and Rose and Venus I put on a fake smile and I knew who that was it was Riley they turned to me.

"Oh hey Jackie you ready to go," She said

"Matter a fact yes I am Riley," I said quickly

"Good, wait what" She said confuse

My eye's turned Red and I balled up my fist "You think I didn't know well yea Venus wrote a note you let her go against my rules and now she's going to get killed," I hissed

"Jack we didn't know that they wanted to kill her," She said

I just walked away and getting into my car I put my luggage in there and I drove as fast as I could.

Venus POV

I was now facing the hunter's they all had cargos and a black shirt on I myself had on a black crop and black jeans and combat boots the leader of the Hunter's stepped forwards to me he was kind of cute.

"Well we weren't expecting a little girl," He said

"Well I am Venus Ford so I'm quite a good leader to be a girl," I said

"Oh we were expecting you so I see you come to a agreement," He said

"Yes I have but the question is do you agree," I asked

"Why of course we do it's just him we don't trust," He said pointing behind me I didn't care about Lorenzo being behind me.

"I don't care if you don't trust him the only person you need to trust is me now do have a agreement," I hissed

"Well no we don't," He said

"Then you leave me no choice," I said

I whistled loud and cars pulled up and Wolf's appeared I made sure I had a back up plan but Someone that I didn't have in my plan came.

"Venus what are you thinking ,"Jack yelled from the distance the Hunter's got ready to attack but I lifted my self in the air my hair turned to purple flames my body was surrounded by black gas.

" Are you sure you want to go down that path cause that path leads to death and I'll be glad to eat everyone of you but I don't have time for that so this is your last chance,"I growled

"I'll take my chances," The leader said

I screamed a death wave they all fell down except the leader I lowered my self and Jack was besides me he held my hand.

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