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Once there was man who could raise Hell and it's demons with a single command. He was handsome and powerful, as he walked by all the women would be tempted and swoon before him. He was the Devil.

However the Devil didn't seek out the women before him. He had his eyes on a particular lady, for she was the most beautiful creature he had seen. The Devil confronted her and asked for her to be his bride. Though the fair maiden was not immediately captivated like most were.

The Devil did not give up, he tried and tried until this woman loved him. And in the soft of her heart the lady felt pity for the Devil for he had tried so hard. Finally she agreed to be his bride.
In long and soulful years, the woman fell in love with what man called the Devil. And soon the woman was with child...

The child was not like any other. His hair was white and his eyes red with the fires of Hell. He was the Devil's son.
He had the Devil's Eyes.

The boy grew but the Devil could not stay and see. Victor Kleine was the Devil's son, the Prince of Hell, but he didn't know it until he was of age.

The Devil's EyesWhere stories live. Discover now