Just A Dream....?

21 1 0

A/N: This prompt is very graphic so don't read if you don't like blood.

Blood. Blood everywhere. The once beautifully tiled floor now covered in the red sticky substance. The now red walls still standing tall. I glance to my right, only to be met by a gruesome sight. Two decapitated bodies are lying in a pool of what I assume is their own blood and guts, they seem disturbingly familiar.
I cover my mouth to hold in an incoming scream. I take a step back in horror, only to feel a weird texture, and hear a squishing sound from beneath me. I carefully and slowly lift my left foot from the red tiled floor, dreading what it could be, only to find a disgustingly deformed eyeball stuck to the sole of my bare foot.

I jerk up in bed, coated in sweat. My long black hair sticking to my body. My mind is racing. Slowly but surely I realise it was just a horrible nightmare. Nothing more, nothing less.

Removing my covers, I get up to survey my room, just to be sure...yea, everything is where it should be; my laptop on my desk, phone beside my pillow, bathroom door open and my bag right beside my bedroom door. I let out a sigh of relief and turn on my lights. Grabbing my phone I check to see that it's 1am.

"At least I won't wake up mum and dad." I whisper to myself. Little do I know, mum and dad won't be waking up for a long while. Letting the room lapse into silence.

Deciding to get a drink to calm myself down I open the door and head downstairs.

That's where things went downhill fast...

A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Remember to let me know if you want to use any of these!

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