Chapter 13

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Anastasia's P.O.V

I woke up stretching peacefully. Wait I already knew something was wrong cause I wasn't woken up by Royalty. I walked to her room praying nothing happened to her. I checked in her crib and realized she wasn't in there. Did Chris take her? I gotta go make sure. I put my hair in a ponytail and just put on some vans because ugh. I drove to his house and knocked on his door. 2 minutes later he answered with his pill bottle in his hand. He took 2 and swallowed them down.

"Wassup? Where Royalty at?" he asked.

"What you mean? I thought she was with you!" he shook his head. Oh my god oh my god!

"Well where could she possibly be?? I'm checking with Chyna and August."

"I'm coming with." we got in the car and drove to her house knocking on the door. August opened the door and I didn't hear the kids.

"They at school. Why y'all here?"

"Because Royalty isn't in our presence at the moment. By any chance do you have her?" he shook his head.

"Nah we don't. Maybe Chris got ha he's obsessed wit ha." he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah sorry for loving my damn kid." I looked at him and he was fixing his shirt collar.

"Are you okay babe?" I asked and he was breathing heavy and sweating.

"Nah do I fucking look okay??" he shouted. He was having an episode.

"Chris calm d-"

"DONT FUCKING TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" he shouted in my face pushing me. He was screaming and pulling on his hair going crazy. He punched the door and slid down the wall grabbing his knees rocking back and forth.

"I'm hot as fuck!" He took off his shirt then his pants so we quickly rushed him inside.

"How we gonna calm him down??" I asked worried. August pulled him into a room in the basement and locked him in there.

"Okay what the hell is that?"

"It's his room wheneva he has a episode. He told me to make one for him just in case it happens like this one." I sighed.

"I don't understand. He took his pills. I even saw him take them." I sat down on the couch and I could still hear him screaming.

"Maybe he just puts it in his mouth but spits it out when no one lookin." I shook my head.

"He wouldn't do that. He promised me that he'll take them. But then again he did say he was gonna stop taking them.. Shit." I rubbed my forehead.


It's been half an hour and Chris has finally calmed down. I walked downstairs and opened the room door and saw his eyes was closed. I walked up to him and shook him lightly.

"Chris?" he opened his eyes smiling at me.

"Oh hey baby." he looked up at me and kissed my cheek.

"What happened? Why am I in here?" I raised my eyebrows.

"You don't remember what happened?" he shook his head. If he doesn't remember what happened half an hour ago then he might have done something with Royalty. I didn't want to believe it but it seems to lay down on the table! I was holding back my tears at the fact that I won't see my baby girl again.. I took Chris home and he sat on the couch watching tv.

"Chris please take your pills.." I gave him the pill bottle.

"I took them already though." I shook my head.

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