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Hi, I'm Phil
Well, my real name is Philip, but you can call me Phil for now.
But I do say "Philip" sounds quite nice.

Okay. So Hello, hah. Most of you know me online as AmazingPhil, so yeah.
It's currently 2014,
Wow. I swear I expected robots to take over the world by now, when I was a kid, I actually liked the idea of my soul being stuffed into a flashlight or a remote or something.
Yeah, I was a weird child.

But everything seems to be alright, I don't see any robots at the moment. But who knows?

Back to the point! I have a roommate at the moment, His name's Dan, who you might know as danisnotonfire. He's great and all, I mean, he's been my best friend since like...a while.
7 years, I believe?
He's had the greatest impact on me, and I mean it when I say I love him...

Not precisely how you think.

I think...

This is hard for me to say, I actually can't believe I'm going to say this.

I think I'm..

I'm in love with my best friend, Daniel.
The Boy with the whiskers.

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