Horrible Spy

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Cameron leads us through a tunnel even further under the castle if that's possible. He leads us to a hidden room. It's basically empty except a candle and some matches. "We have to stay the night here," Cameron says. "Why are you helping us?" Ankara asks," won't you get in serious trouble?" Cameron shrugs, "whatever, I don't care. I hate this place. Well, except one thing." He stares into space dreamy eyed. "There's a girl, her name is Mila and she's a princess. I love her and I want to be with her forever. The only problem is there's a new prince here trying to impress her every week. That's why I want to leave, to get away with her, we can elope!" "Aww!" Ankara looks at him with big puppy dog eyes. "Does she like you back?" He looks at the ground sadly, "I don't know, I've never talked to her before. The guards aren't allowed to flirt with royalty, plus I'm too scared."
"Well, don't worry. We will help you talk to her!" Ankara says enthusiastically. We all look at her with confusion. "We will?" Tiff says. "Yeah! Come on, it'll be fun!" Ankara is practically begging us. "I don't know," Cameron says."What if we get caught?" "Stop worrying!" Ankara shouts happily. "Everything will be fine, what's the worst that could happen?"
Finally we realize there is no way we are going to get out of helping Cameron so we agree. Ankara squeals and shoots Evan a loving look. Finally we fall asleep in the small cave-like room. When I awake the next morning I feel fresh and ready. We continue through the dark, narrow tunnels with only the candle from the cave and Cameron's flashlight. "So what is Mila like?" Tiff asks Cameron. "She's a lot of things," he replies. "She's caring and beautiful and funny and well, perfect. "Aww!" Ankara says multiple times as we walk through the tunnels up to the throne room.
"I've never been in this part of the castle!" Oz says in awe at the intricate interior design.  The whole room is out of a fairy tale. The ceilings are as high as the sky with several shimmering chandeliers and the walls are packed with artwork made by famous artists. In the center of the room are two red and gold carpets that lead up to two thrones. The thrones are both different. One looks like a ten year old girl bedazzled it and the other looks like a storm cloud.
Cameron hasn't stopped freaking out since we entered the throne room. "What if the guards see me? What if she denies my attempts to impress her?" He says pacing.
"She won't," Tiff says. "You will be great!"
"What do I do?" He asked her.
"just be yourself." Ankara tell him.
He takes a deep breath,"I can do this," and walks to the throne. We try to watch but are too far away to hear anything. We are behind the door of the room hidden. There are guards inside who will immediately put us back in the dungeon before you could even say dungeon. "I wish we could see what's going on!" Ankara groans, she is standing on top of a chair trying to see him. Tiff looks at Ankara then me. "I have an idea." She smirks. "What if someone goes in and hides, listening and watching to what's going on. That way we will know what's happening and if something gets out of hand we can save him!" Ankara smiles," that's a good idea, can I do it?" Tiff shakes her head and looks at me. "Lil will do it."
"Me!?" I shout. "Yes!" Tiff replies," you are quiet so the guards won't hear you. If we send Ankara out there she will get us all in trouble." Ankara scowls. "Please?" Tiff begs. I sigh, just like Ankara, Tiff won't stop until she gets her way. "Fine," I say and 5 minutes later I'm in the throne room behind a giant plant.
Once I'm closer I can see there are two princesses sitting on the thrones. The princess in the throne that looks like a storm cloud is just like the chair. She's wearing a elegant black dress that matches her makeup. Her hair is a pretty auburn color. She looks like there is not place she wouldn't rather be than here. She groans loudly and the other princess glares at her. She is very beautiful and is wearing a bright pink bejeweled dress.
I see Cameron approaches the pink princess I'm guessing is Mila but I still can't really hear what they're saying. I sneak forward a little more. "Hey," he says shyly. Mila smiles, "hello, do you need advice?" "Um no..." He responds. "Then leave," The other princess growls heartlessly. Mila smiles at Cameron and laughs awkwardly," don't mind Kelsey she means well." "From here she just sounds mean." Cameron says and Mila laughs. They continue their conversation while Kelsey constantly groans. "Just get elope already, I have been wanting to get rid of you anyway." I giggle a little, she sounds like Tiff. I look back at the window where Tiff and the rest are, I can see them sitting in a circle laughing. I wish I was with them. Why did I agree to this?
This is the most boring job ever. If this is what spies do than I think I'll pass. My parents were spies. Well, sort of. My father worked at a spy agency and my mother helped deliver messages. That's why they were killed, and why I'm stuck in the castle. They thought I was a spy.
Mila and Cameron talk for a while. Mostly about castle stuff. Cameron talks about his favorite sports teams and Mila talks about horses. Both are subjects I know nothing about. Suddenly I feel something in my nose, a sneeze. I panic, if I make any noise the guards will hear me and put me back in the dungeon, and I don't wanna go back there. I try every trick I know to try to get rid of it. Unfortunately none of it works and I end up sneezing and knocking over a plant.
The guards immediately grab me violently and drag me towards the door. Tiff and the rest get up and stare at me and then argue for a minute. Cameron looks over, not sure what to do. As the guards pull me back into the tunnels I watch Ankara and Evan. They smirk evilly at each other and then push Oz forcefully towards the guards. He is taken by another guard who follows the guard grabbing me. Tiff starts yelling at Ankara and Evan. I'm too far away to listen. Even if I could, I would probably mess it up.
The guards reach the dungeons and throw Oz and I into a cell. We look at each other, thinking the same thing. We're back where we started.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2016 ⏰

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