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I watched as the portals began to open. Its energy is to powerful for one person...

I turned around to look at my master, Dimen.

"Master, the portal is ready."


"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

He sighs

"It's the only one I got..."

I nod

"Very well then, Master."

I pulled the lever that turned on the portal power to maximum.

"We are set for them to go to this Dimension... Good lucky, Cathy, Red Lightning, Kathryn, and Amory..."

Flashes of colors were all round them as they teleported to their destiny...

"I have faith in you, Guardians."

Red Lightning's POV

I felt the sunshine on my skin as I woke up in the middle of a forest.

"Where am I?" I said to myself as I heard a meowing sound not to far away.

"Crystal? Is that you?" I called out.

"Yeah, it's me! Meow! Who else would it be?" replied Crystal with an angry snap in her voice. "I'm stuck under a log!"

"Don't worry I'm coming!" I ran over to my cat and pushed away the log carefully so I would hurt Crystal.

"Finally! Now... Where the heck are we? Meow?" Crystal asked with a tad bit of angry in her voice.

"I don't know," I paused for a moment, because, through the trees, I saw a house. "Crystal! I think there is a house up ahead!"

"Good! Let's start walking!"


We walked for about 20 minutes when we finally reached the house.

"I hope whoever lives here is a nice person.." Crystal meowed in agreement.

As we walked up to the wooden house the doors opened abruptingly and a girl about the age of 16 was the one who opened them, she yelled, "who are you?" the sound of wind whipping past our ears left a frightened expression on the girl's face. "Forget it! Get in here, now!"

Crystal and I ran into the house and the girl locked the doors.

"Now that we are safe, what is your name? Who is your father? And where are from?"

"That's a lot of questions." I stated, "but, if you must know, my name is Red Lightning and this is my cat Crystal."

"Hello!" Crystal greeted, but the girl looked shocked.

"Did the cat just talk!?" I chuckled at her response.

"Yep. Now to answer your other questions. My father is not in this dimension, but he is in my home dimension. His name is Armen. And where am I from? The dimension that was previously stated, but to be more specific, I am from the Badlands."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2016 ⏰

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