Chapter One: Journey

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Hi there random person and thank you for taking time out and reading our book! Yup, there's me Fatima and there's me Minahil:D  

Minahil: I came up with the idea. 

Fatima: And I just edit and add a difficult word here and there. 

We'd also like to dedicate our very first chapter to the very talented Trini Jermaine, who helped us promote this book. Be sure to check out her work, "Living with My Best Friend"

Here's a link and check it out:

Anywho, we'd love to hear your feedback and please vote!!  

Thanks a million:D  

Love, F&M. 



Chapter One: Expedition.

"What if we don't find them? What do you suppose we do then?" she asks. Her voice shakes in the process, betraying how dry her throat really is. They hadn't had a drop of water to drink for a good four hours since starting their journey and they still weren't even halfway close to their destination.

"I've told you not think that way, Ember!" he says, bitterly pronouncing her full name, "We'll find them, okay?" he shouts, turning his head slightly to give her a side-long glance.

"We will find them," he repeats quietly this time, maybe trying to convince himself more than her.

She is completely aware of how agitated Adrian is over Sophie's disappearance and that if anything horrific were to happen to her, he would go through hell and back to keep her safe. Contrarily, her love for Theo is much the same as Adrian's love for Sophie and, if it ever came to it, she knew she would act the exact same way. However, his disconcerted attitude would still take a little getting used to.

The only complication now was that they still had no clue as to where Sophie and the two seekers were. Promising to return with the cure within a week's time, they still hadn't returned after a fortnight, which left everyone at the Cottage in a constant state of anxiety.  

 'Why did she have to leave anyway? Was getting the cure this crucial?' Adrian thinks to himself. 'No,” he sighs, dismissing his foolish thoughts, 'it was crucial. It is crucial! Without the cure they were lost.'

"Adrian?" Ember asks, breaking him out of his reverie, "Are you sure our directions are correct? I don't recall there ever being a field on the way to Alistaire."

Two days ago, Adrian had wanted to leave the Cottage alone, not desiring anyone's help in his mission. He had wanted to be the only one that found Sophie, wanted her gratitude towards him and him alone. But the night he had planned to leave hadn't quite turned out like he had expected it to. Adrian had risen shortly after everyone else had retired to bed; keeping his clothes, food and other items in preparation for his secretive journey. All he had to do then was simply jump out the window and leave. However, in a house full of highly trained warriors, nothing was ever quite that simple...

After gathering everything that was needed, he went up to the attic. It had a large arched window with a wide sill, big enough for him to stand on. He had thought back to the many sleepless nights he had spent on this very sill, waiting for someone-anyone-to help them win this catastrophic war. However, deep down he had always known no one would ever come to their rescue and as anticipated, no one ever did.

He had quietly moved towards the window, looking below towards the ground 3 stories below. He had jumped down greater distances in the past, so he knew that it was not the height that frightened him. It was the unsettling fact that once he hit the ground, he couldn't come back, at least not without Sophie. Tightening the strap of his satchel around his body, he put one foot on the sill and started to lift himself higher when suddenly he felt sharp nails digging into his back pulling him by the back of his shirt and throwing him onto the floor of the attic.

"Ouch!" he gasped, rubbing his head. Sitting up, he had reached out to pick his satchel along with all of its contents, when suddenly someone stepped in front of his outstretched hand. He let his eyes gaze travel across the floor to land on a pair of cheap, worn-out leather shoes. He slowly looked up, past the faded brown training shorts and the­­­ purple tank top. And looking past the family crest necklace, he rested his eyes on Ember's infuriated face. Nostrils flared, arms crossed, she looked down at him.

Shit. He was screwed. ­­­­­­­

"And where on Earth do you think you're going?" she snarled. When no answer was heard, she examined the splayed contents of his satchel which included a few shirts, a bottle of water and a few berries and came to realize where exactly he was sneaking off to. After which, she began pacing back and forth, whilst he looked on uneasily, unsure of her reaction, until finally she came to a halt in front of him.

"I can't believe you actually considered this," she said, looking away with a face of disgust.

After a few moments of silence, Adrian finally spoke, trying to explain the situation. "Em," he looked down guiltily, "I was just going out for a str-"

"Bullshit!" She said through gritted teeth, stopping him mid-sentence.

He looked up at her, his surprise clearly evident on his face.

"BULLSHIT!" She repeated louder this time yet not loud enough for the sleeping warriors below to over-hear, "Cut the crap will you? You weren't going out for a stroll Adrian! You were going to look for her, weren't you?"

Seeing his rueful expression she knew she had been right all along. Enraged, she continued with her rant. 

 "So what then, Adrian? You just assumed no one else was and isn’t as keen to find her as you are and you just thought 'what the hell? I'll go find her and save the day like I always do!'? Well open your eyes Adrian. That isn't going to happen! You'll get killed! You clearly won't be as careful as we usually are and you'll screw it all up!" She hissed furiously.

She then continued pacing back and forth, biting her nails in frustration.

"What were you going to do, huh? Leave a note?" she asked. He slowly shifted in his position, trying very hard to angle his pocket away from her so she wouldn't see the folded piece of paper in it. He had planned on pinning it to the front door. Though, that obviously wasn't going to happen now.

"You were seriously going to leave a note?!" she said incredulously. She laughed bitterly.

"He was going to leave a note," she then said to no one in particular.

Letting out a deep breath, she sat down in front of him, crossing her legs. She looked at her legs and then back at him, indicating he do the same. He did as he was told and crossed his legs. Nervous, he began twiddling his fingers, utterly terrified of what she was going to do next.

She reached out to take his hand in hers and this peculiar gesture made Adrian look into her eyes which were filled with a range of emotions. There, in her eyes, he saw anger, sadness and above all pity. He looked away, not wanting to see those emotions especially not from someone who claimed to understand him.

"You know I love you right? Because if you don't, I'll tell you again, I love you Adrian. You can't even imagine how much I love you. You're like a brother to me and it kills me to see you like this. I would do absolutely anything to make you happy again. And so, yes of course I will." she said to him, finally breaking the silence.

Perplexed, he looked at her.

"What do you mean 'I will'?" He asked her.

"I mean", she said, carefully choosing her words, "I will go with you."

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