The Silliness

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Author's POV

Today is the last day in China, tomorrow Luhan and Nayeon will fly back to Seoul. They need to delay their honeymoon because Luhan is super busy, his schedule is full already, no mercy from Suho. Luhan was leaving the house early in the morning with his mother when Nayeon still busy in her dream land.

When Nayeon wakes up and feels the missing of her husband, she immediately frowns. Found no Luhan beside her, this easily turns her mood down. She wants to wake up with Luhan beside her, hugging her and giving her warmth. But this reality makes her upset.

Hissing to the empty room, she decides to take a shower, hoping to get a better mood. But her mood is getting worse because after she is done with her shower, Luhan still not arrive yet. She wants to ask the maid but there is a wall between them, it's the language.

Now Nayeon returns to the bedroom and lays her back on the bed. Now, a simple activity could cause a severe back pain. But she knows, all the pain will be paid later when she welcomes her newborn baby to the world. Thinking about the baby, her smile appears. She can't wait for that day to come. She wants to hold her baby on her arms, she wants to give her love for the baby. As she daydreams about the baby, slowly her eyelids flutter closed, falling back to her sleep.


A slight move on the bed immediately wakes Nayeon up. She opens her eyes and wakes up to her favorite person, Luhan. She smiles at him but the next second she remembers about his missing,

"Where are you come from?" Nayeon pouts to Luhan, her eyes narrowed at Luhan.

"Why did you leave me?!" Nayeon continues, raising her tone to Luhan before he could answer her first question.

"Don't mad at me, please" Luhan pouts cutely as he wraps her body closer to his embrace.

"How can I-----" Luhan lost his patient, he kisses her lips to shut her up. He knows she will fall for this kiss, because she always did. Luhan starts smiling between their kiss when Nayeon closes her eyes slowly. Then Luhan's evil side awaken, he stops kissing her and breaks it. He watches her upset face with a smile on his face.

"Look at your face" Luhan teases her but suddenly he gets a light pinch on his cheek. He frowns at Nayeon cutely but all he got is a glare.

"Don't you try messing up with my mood, I could eat you alive" Nayeon snaps at Luhan but Luhan finds it really cute, he can't hold his laughter. He laughs softly at her with his endearing eyes look straight to hers.

"Mommy, don't scold daddy" Luhan talks in a girly way, his eyes blink innocently at Nayeon, he acts like the baby she carried.

"What are you?" Nayeon bulges her eyes in a cute manner.

"A baby?" She continues as she smiles at him, she can't mad at him any longer because he is too adorable.

"What? It's our baby girl who talked, not me" Luhan acts all innocent to her.

"Oh my God" Nayeon laughs as she cups Luhan's face. She places a kiss on his lips continuously as she chuckles between the kisses.

"Hey" Suddenly Nayeon stops and glares at Luhan playfully.

"Where did you go without me?" She asks and Luhan smiles softly.

"Go shopping with mom" Luhan speaks up. Nayeon hisses at him, her fingers pinching his chest softly.

"I bought you something" Suddenly he talks again. As fast as wind, Nayeon lifts her face up and stares at Luhan with glimmering eyes.

"You looks like a kid who got candies" Luhan chuckles as he ruffles her hair, messing up her already messy hair. Nayeon just chuckles at him and watches him walk to the other side of the room, taking a huge paper bag with famous designer's name on its center.

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