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Lit. A word that our generation has decided to create to describe getting high. Well originally it was created for that. Now... Now it is used as much as it possible can to describe anything and everything.
"Dude you should have come last night it was totally lit" but really... Was it? Probably not. A more realistic sentence probably would have been something close too...
         "Dude you totally should've come last night there was like 50 of us and we were all being dumb and drinking and getting high and acting drunk to excuse the dumb things we said/did and pretend we don't remember today" that would've been a more realistic sentence. Instead we replace it with one word. Just one. Lit.
        Why do we do that? Well because it's a more fun alternative and besides the things we do when we are 'lit' may be stupid, and reckless, and the reason other generations question our judgment.... But they are also fun, stress relieving almost.
       Sure I've made my far share of stupid decisions and dumb ideas, and out loud confessions that maybe were better kept unsaid. But here's the thing... I see people get 'lit' all the time. My best friends do it, parents do it, most books you read or movies you see are about people either doing it. So yea I'm not the kind of teenager to go get high every weekend or drink until I feel like my liver is going to fall out. But I am there for it all. I see it all, I know all the consequences and the highlights.. So here it is. The story of the lit brought to you by the unlit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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