Chapter 18

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"The crib there," Shannon said pointing in the empty corner of the room. So Bryan and Tyler then set the crib over in the corner of the room. Alex and Jordan were hanging sticker monkeys to the freshly painted wall. Jeydon and Samm, well mostly Samm, was folding clothes and putting them in the dresser. As Johnnie, Shannon, and I kind of stood there watching. I wanted to help but everything is pretty much done. I left the room and came back with arms full of Peace Tea, water, and Monster. Everybody stopped what they were doing and came up to me taking a drink or two.

"You just read my mind" Jordan said as he grabbed a water. We all sat in the middle of the nursery.

"We should play a game," Samm suggested.

"What game?" I asked.

"Never have I ever!" Shannon said.

"Should we film it?" Bryan asked, and a few of us shook our heads.

"Never have I ever fallen asleep in a movie," Samm said as Jordan, Bryan, and Alex put a finger down.

"Umm never have I ever, kiss somebody from the gender I'm not interested in," Alex said as Jordan, Bryan, and I put a finger down.

"Kyle?" Johnnie asked.

"You never thought Meghan and I kissed," I said as he made that "oh duh" face as I smiled.

"Never have I ever smoked," Bryan asked. Shannon, Tyler, Johnnie, and I all put a finger down.

"It was one time," I said as Johnnie nodded. The questions continued as people started to put more fingers and the more we learned about each other.

"Never have I ever," Jeydon started as there was a knock in the door. I got up oddly and opened the door.

"Hello Mr. Hall, I'm Mrs. Anderson, I'm here with the adoption agency to perform a house check," she said.

"Oh, I thought that was tomorrow," I said.

"Well, we could do it tomorrow if you are busy now," Mrs. Anderson said.

"No, it's fine let's do it," I said as she stepped in. She started to make her way though the house as everyone as dead silent.

"Is there usually this many people living here?" She said.

"Oh no, they are here to help with the final touches of the nursery, we were working on it all this weekend," I said.

"Okay, well its just you and Johnnie then?" She asked.

"Also Bryan, but he is planning to move out soon," I said.

"Okay," She said looking more into things and writing on here clipboard as I grew more nervous. She didn't say anything much after that, but I swear I could hear my heart pounding.

"Take me to the backyard," She said as I jumped like a dog to show her there. It was just a small fenced in piece of land covered in grass, nothing special. She quickly looked at it and stepped back inside making her way to the music room.

"Will she have a way into this room?" She said.

"No, this is mostly Johnnie's room anyways, it locks from the inside out," I said as she nodded. She when upstairs complaining about falling as he made her way to the nursery. She didn't say a word in there looked in our room before moving back downstairs and to the front door.

"Okay I'm finished," She said and before I could ask if anything was wrong she walked out.

"That gave me a lot of stress," I said.

"She seemed kind of rude," Jeydon said.

"That's because she was," Johnnie replied.

"It going to be worth it," Shannon reminded the group as we nodded.

"A walk to the Melt?" Jordan suggested as I nodded. The Melt was a gourmet grilled cheese restaurant. So I slipped on my shoes and we all walked out the door.

I feel like shit... Sorry for the lack of updates... I also didn't edit this chapter... Whoops, Much love ~Nicole

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