Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I open my eyes and find my hands and mouth taped. I'm tied up to a chair, in the center of a kitchen. There are cameras staring at me and piles of folders everywhere. There's one door, and it's covered with 7 locks. Above it, I see a clock. It's 3:47 a.m. and I can barely remember anything. All I know is that I miss Grayson. I hear a crackling noise, and shift my eyes to the door. I see the nob slowly turn and my heart begins to beat. Now I remember. My dad.

"Hey, how are you?" He asks me laughing. I can't even respond, my mouth is taped shut. He slowly places one foot in front of the other, coming towards me with his hands behind his back. My heart pounds faster. He stops right in front of me, less than a foot away. He brings his hands up. It's another camera. "Smile!" He commands me. I turn my head away and sense the camera flash. "Beautiful." He walks away, grabbing a banana. He then pulls out a chair of the table at the end of the room. He sits, and stares at me. I look away, and notice a bulletin board on the wall. Photos are plastered all over it. I focus on one, and it's a picture of me when I was younger. My hair was in pigtails and I looked so happy. I wish I could be that little girl again. The picture next to it was more recent. I realize the bulletin board is covered in pictures of me. There were "family" photos of me, and photos I didn't even know were taken. Then I saw a picture of Grayson and I at the diner. I lost it.

I mumble, trying to scream. I attempt to escape the chair, but it's no use. Sweat pours down my face as I lose my breath. I see him smile while endlessly taking pictures of me. I give up, there's nothing I can do. I stop everything and just sit with my head drooping down. Everything's over. My privacy, my relationship, my life. It's all done. My dad just kidnapped me, and there's no way I can escape, or survive.

He put his camera down on the table. I stared at it as he quickly and quietly left the room. What if his camera had its location on it? What if I could send out the location and find help? What if I could escape? The chances are the camera doesn't have location on it and I'll be in this chair for the rest of my life, or what's left of it. But I won't know until I try. I push my shoulders forward and try to kick my legs apart. It was so tiring attempting something that would never work. I try anyway. I turn over and see the other camera recording me. It's extremely scary, but I can't stop. I rub my palms together, causing friction between the tape and my skin. The tape around my wrist begins to loosen gradually. Eventually, the tape falls off and floats to the ground. I watch it fall, then rip off the tape around my mouth. Lastly, I struggle to pull off the multiple layers of tape surrounding my legs. I now feel sweat drip all over my body. I spread my legs apart and look up. I'm free from this chair! I stumble over to the table. I lift up the camera, and turn it around. I examine all of its sides. I power it on, and a picture immediately pops up. It was the picture my dad just captured of me. I click to see the next picture, and the next, and the next. They're all disgusting pictures of me. I feel so exposed and violated. But there's no time for that. I must find a way to get out of here completely and find Grayson. But how? There's no way. It's impossible.

I creep through his house. There is no light, so I'm touching everything to keep from falling. All I can see is pitch black. The floor creaks as I slowly walk. I reach my hand out and feel the banister of a staircase. I begin to slowly crawl down the stairs...

It's Complicated... (Sequel to HELP; Cameron Dallas and Dolan twins fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin