Chapter 11

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It's 3:58 AM and I'm upstairs lying awake on Grayson's bed while he's been asleep for hours. The only keeping me awake is Cameron, because he won't stop texting me.

C: lol what's up

S: nothing

C: that's nice:)

S: yes it is:)

C: remember that date we went on?

S: yeah...

C: well I'm still really sorry about that Skylar

S: it's okay

C: I was so stupid

S: don't worry about it, it's okay

C: who was your first love?

S: Grayson

C: you sure about that?

S: well it wasn't you or Ethan so:)

C: lol you know you love me tho

S: I really don't but okay

C: so can you come over tomorrow

S: why

C: because I wanna hang out with you

S: idk maybe

C: I don't accept "idk" as an answer

S: k

C: lol okay babe

S: I have a boyfriend

C: I know and his name is Cameron

S: *Grayson

C: who?

S: you know who

C: I really don't

S: lol whatever

C: my bed feels empty

S: because it is?

C: :(

C: can you make it less empty?

S: I'll think about it

C: r u done thinking?

S: you gave me 1 second lol

C: isn't that enough?

S: your bed will remain empty sorry about that

C: oh well

C: I'll try again tomorrow ;)

S: omg it's like 4:30

C: what time do you usually sleep?

S: never

C: haha same

S: I'm kinda tired now tho

C: no don't go to sleep yet

S: why?

C: you're fun to talk to at night

S: thanks you too:)

C: np princess

S: princess?

C: idk what do you want me to call you

S: Skylar

C: -_-

C: I mean like a pet name

S: oh well idk whatever you want I guess

C: I want to call you my wife

S: pick something else

C: Skylar Olivia Dallas

C: it sounds nice

S: not as nice as Skylar Olivia Dolan

C: eh

Cameron sent something else, but I couldn't check it because Grayson had woken up. I instantly shut off my phone and pretended to sleep, but it was kind of obvious that I was awake. I hear Grayson slide out the bed to go to the bathroom. When he officially exits the room, I pull my phone back out, and stare at it from under the blanket.

C: hello?

S: hey sorry

C: where'd you go?

S: nowhere

C: lol okay?

S: haha sorry babe

C: babe? I knew you liked me😏

S: calm down it was autocorrect

C: haha sure

S: it was...

C: don't worry I believe you

S: :)

The door slowly opens and I quickly turn off my phone. I keep it in my hand which is near my thigh. I stare at the blanket, and suddenly, my phone buzzes. Cameron. I hear Grayson motion over to me. I open my eyes slightly so it looks like I'm sleeping, but he obviously knows I'm faking. With no words, Grayson lifts the blanket and takes my phone from my hand to read the text.

"You're so cute? Why did Cam call you cute? What've you been texting him this whole time?" Grayson asks sleepily, but seems more awake as he speaks each word.

I sit up and open my eyes. What do I say? No matter what I say, this will look bad. "It's nothing. Cameron's just kidding," I speak trying to make eye contact, but Grayson won't look at me.

I can tell he's thinking about a million things right now. I mean, it was just a stupid text. He can't be that mad right? I try to put myself in his shoes. How would I feel if some girl I was friends with sent him a "you're so cute" message. Yeah, I would be mad too. My stomach begins to ache, and I lie back down. I close my eyes, and for some reason, I kind of expect Grayson to lie besides me. Instead, I hear him stand up, then walk out the room. I wish I could just tell him that I don't like Cameron like that, only as a friend. But he probably wouldn't believe it for a second. Grayson's the only person who I actually love anymore. But how can I convince him? This is too complicated. Or maybe I'm overreacting. What if Grayson isn't as mad as I think? What if he's just taking a break for the night? But what if he's not. What if he's actually angrier than I think, if that's possible. He could easily unlock my phone and read all the texts. That would prove that I don't like Cameron, right? Or it could make things worse. He could ask why I spent my whole night texting Cam instead of talking to him. Something so innocent turned into something so bad. I can't fall asleep thinking that Grayson's mad at me. Should I go down there and talk to him? No, that would turn into a huge fight that neither of him need to have. I don't know what to do anymore. I wish I could know whether Grayson was mad at me or not. Yeah, he's definitely mad, but how mad? Like will he get over it by tomorrow or drag it on forever? I'll just go down there and whatever happens, happens.

It's Complicated... (Sequel to HELP; Cameron Dallas and Dolan twins fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now