Peach Cream

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I was rudely awakened by the sound of my overpowered alarm clock. 5:40 am. Waking up before the sun was not particularly healthy, nor was it preferred. I would much rather sleep until two in the afternoon.

Slowly and unwillingly, I kicked my covers aside and swung my legs around to the edge of the bed. The morning was cold, and sent shivers up my legs. I groaned as I stood on my toes, and walked to the closet. 

Towards the left, were my dresses, which I did not wear frequently. To the right, were my long sleeved shirts and sweaters. Between the two were my short sleeved shirts, and skirts.

I decided to go with a dark purple v-neck sweater, with a pair of grey leggings, black combat boots, and a silver heart necklace my mom had given me for my birthday. I piled my light brown hair on top of my freakishly small head, and tied it with a hair-tie. After glancing in the mirror and winking at myself, -which I do quite often-, I grabbed my black backpack and headed downstairs for breakfast. 

"Good morning honey, how did you sleep?" My mom asked from behind the stove, her hands busy flipping pancakes. 

"Reasonably well, I guess you could say." I answered, pulling a container of freshly cut strawberries out of the fridge and popping one into my mouth.

"You guess?" She said in a somewhat disapproving tone, shooting me a look before handing me a plate of pancakes.

"I don't remember waking up at random times or anything, but it was hard to fall asleep at first." probably because of that stupid dream, I thought. 

"That's good! Now eat up, or you'll be late for school." 

I sighed, and glanced at the clock. 6:00. Sadly, I had to leave by 6:30 if I wanted to get there before first bell. My house was about 30 minutes away from Huron High. Because my mom is a professor with our district, -our district had a public school and an online school program,- she got to choose what school I attended. 

After stuffing my face full of pancake, I brushed my teeth, drew on a breathtakingly even pair of eyeliner wings, and threw my bag into the back seat of my car. I tuned the radio to my favorite composer, Tchaikovsky, and sped off to school. 

I arrived to a calmingly empty parking lot; no one liked getting to school early. Well, except for me. After parking in the best spot I could find, I stomped up the marble staircase and into the front lobby. Pictures of old sports teams and clubs followed me as I made my way down the hallway. The middle floor was clear, apart from the occasional teacher or over-achieving student, like me. I stepped through the threshold of room 202, and sent a warm but halfhearted smile to our homeroom teacher, Mrs. Mulberry. I sat myself down in the most isolated desk that I could find in the back of the room, and opened my Physics textbook. 

After reading a chapter on Sin, Cos, and Tan, I felt myself nodding off. I hadn't gotten nearly as much sleep as I would have wished, thus causing me to fall asleep, right on top of my book. 

The night was cold, and unnaturally silent. Every direction I faced was black. Stars no longer lined the skies, and even the wind was missing. I felt a sense of urgency flash through my body. It was though I needed to go somewhere, to run. I forced my feet to move, pushing me across what seemed to be a muddy forest floor. Tripping over sticks and twigs, I made my way to the tree line. I could just make out a small town in the distance, with few lights on and not too many people about. Quickly, I decided to head towards the buildings. As I walked, I noticed something strange, that seemed to sort of pop out around everything else. Once I reached the edge of the town, I could see that it was a red door. And above that, there was a sign. " Grand Rapids Resale." I felt something grab my shoulder firmly, shaking my body back and forth. I tried to brush what ever it was off, but to no avail. I could almost hear it shouting my name, but it sounded distant. I couldn't place it. Then, all of a sudden, the world returned to darkness. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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