Chapter 4~♡

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im super sorry for the longest wait ever but I promise I will be on much more!♡ {lies~from the editor.}


Harry's Pov.

My eyes scanned Zayn's room hearing him in the shower i began looking around searching for my items, but I was having absolutely no luck at all. Soon after my small search I heard the shower turn off. I quickly slipped out of his room shutting the door silently. I wiped the small ounce of sweat that had gathered on my forehead, I could hear Zayn's foot steps hitting the wooden floor. I swallowed loudly knocking on the door, I heard his footsteps by the door and slowly opening it, " Vas Happenin Harreh?". My eyes scanned his body looking at all his tattoo's and his abs. my mouth began to water a bit, if I thought he was hot with clothes on he's definitely more hot practicality naked. I slowly looked into his eyes, biting my lip for being such a pervert. Zayn slowly grabbed onto my shirt pulling me into the room, I felt the door shut and my body press against the door. I swallowed thickly looking up at him. His voice coming out in a whisper, " Dont worry little fox, I wont hurt you." I could feel him smirking against my ear my face soon went red.


Zayn's Pov.

I couldn't help myself, he was being completely adorable and vulnerable, my lips slowly attaching to his neck. I began to suck gently earning, a few whimpers and whines but I wanted more. I wanted a moan. I began to smirk at my own thoughts. I began to suck a bit harder, I could tell he was holding back I began to growl, whispering quietly "moan". I went back to sucking a massive lovebite onto his neck, I smirked wide hearing a long dragged out moan come from the mop of curls.


Thats all for now! I need feedback comment on what you think should happen next, should Zayn continue? How do you think Harry feels about this. Let me know in the comments thank you for reading stay beautiful ♡ Lexie~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2013 ⏰

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