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"But then when I woke up that morning you weren't there anymore. You said you'd be leaving in a week not a day".
"I know, I just couldn't tell you".
"And you lied".

Shawns p.o.v

It was 5 am. I had be in the airport by 6:30.
I tried my best to not wake up Andrea.
I took a shower, got dressed, ate, and brushed my teeth. Before I left I made sure to leave a note for Andrea.

I know I told you that I'd be leaving in a week. However, it's today. By the time you read this I would already be on the plane to New York, or already there.
Ill miss you and I'm sorry.
I made sure to leave the note visable.

Andrea p.o.v
When I woke up, shawn wasnt there. Nor his family.
I saw his clothes laying around on the floor, and a suitcase.
On the dresser was a neatly written note.
As I read it I was upset.
I sent him a text.

To shawn-
Morning, I read the note. I understand and im not upset or anything. Don't worry. Be safe please and have fun. You'll do great. Xx love you.

"But shawn, you dont understand".
" understand what?"
"This! Everything. This was a bad idea. You shouldnt have came..you already made the decision a while ago. I don't need an explanation. Besides you already told me".
"Just listen! For once. I swear if you don't want me here then I'll leave".
"Then why are you still here?"
"Answer this. Why dont you want me here".
"Are you serious? You out of all people should know. You were the one to tell me and I couldn't do anything! Just listen, listen to nonsense. I should've known. The day you left to the day you called. Even my friends told me".
"Wasn't my fault".
"Then who's? Was it mine?"
"Just leave shawn. I really don't want to see you right now."

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