Waking up

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Jaime's POV
I woke up in the middle of the woods. Twigs were imbedded into my sloppy bun and leaves were stuck to my face. ‘Why aren’t I at the camp? ’ I wondered, standing up and looking for my satchel. It took me a few ­­moments for me to spot it under a pile of leaves. I looked in to see what was in it. My phone was still there, a compass, and a flashlight as well. I pulled my phone out and clicked the power button. I sighed when it didn’t turn on and dropped it back in the bag. I grabbed the flashlight instead and clicked it on. A twig snapped, making me jump. I scanned the brush and surrounding trees for a hint to where I was. I saw a sheet of paper stuck to a tree. ‘Odd,’ I thought, ‘Better find my way home.’ I pulled out the compass and found north. I started to head in the direction home when another stick cracked and the shuffles of footsteps were behind me. I spun around.

                “Jayk, Wynn? Is that you?” I asked, remembering my mates, “This isn’t funny. It never was to begin with.” The leaves rustled and I started to jog away from the noise.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2016 ⏰

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