The Letters

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             To my dearest blooming flower, Harriet

I know we haven't been in the best of relations my mate. You probably thing I'm the worst man in the entire universe. I-I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you my mate I wasn't in the correct state of mind. I-i well if you can't forgive me o-or if you e-even hate me I can't blame you. All I want to say I guess is your my mate my one and only love in this world. I've done so may things I just want to make it up to you. The one of the gifts holds a dairy and another one spelled to communicate with me if you choose. The other one is a courtship gift if you except it we can start the courtship. If you don't know what a courtship is already then it would be to have your Uncle or Godfather to explain it to you. Happy birthday and the best wishes that you stay well.

                                                                         Forever yours, Tom Marvolo Riddle

She stared at the letter for the longest time. A part of her wished she didn't send Hedwig to stay with Remus and Sirius this weekend. She decided to reread the letter again to make sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her. Her eyes stopped when she read happy birthday, so many emotions coursed through her mind. Tears slipped through her eyes going unnoticed by her until it hit the letter. She quickly wiped her tears away and then she heard a quiet tapping on her window. She turned around facing the window. "Hedwig." She cried softly hurrying to open her window. "I'm so glad to see you." She smiled at her with a tear stained face.
Hedwig happily flew into the room letting to letters fall onto Harriet's bed. She then landed on her shoulder and bumped her head on her cheek. Hedwig missed Harriet when she was at Sirius's place but she had to wonder why her Harriet was crying. She hooted softly with concern at Harriet.

"Oh Hedwig I'm fine it's just a lot of things are going through my head." She giggled as Hedwig continued to nuzzle her. Hedwig gave her a loud hoot as if telling her to explain. "Your really lucky they aren't home right now or you would have gotten us both killed." She mumbled only getting another loud hoot from Hedwig in response. "Alright, alright I was crying because of a letter I received from Voldemort." She sighed softly before she continued. "Don't get me wrong it was really sweet of him but it's just none of them Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Mrs. Weasley o-or even Dumbledore said said happy birthday to me yet my supposed enemy did."She burst into a sobbing mess.

Hedwig flapped her wings in distress she never liked seeing her sad. She promised to herself that if she saw her Harriet's so called friends she would use her sharp talons to make them blind. She looked at her Harriet thinking of a way to make her happy again. Then she remembered the two letters she gotten from her Harriet's family and the two presents near that Harriet read. She hooted to get Harriet's attention but she couldn't. Hedwig grabbed the letters and dropped it on her lap.
"Y-you want me to read these Hedwig?" She whimpered softly looking at her owl who chirped happily. "O-okay and after that I should open Tom's presents." She giggled opening one of the letters.

To my dearest little moonlight,

Happy birthday Sweetie and many more to come. I wanted to tell you not to trust Dumbledore. You must be confused at why I'm saying this.....I-it came to my resent ears from Dumbledore himself. H-he's using you f-for this war t-to kill your own m-mate a-and he paid Mrs. Weasley and Ginny t-to befriend you. I-I'm s-sorry I didn't want to ruin your birthday but I had to tell you. Um....On a brighter note your brother Hadrian offered me and Padfoot a place to stay in his house and seeing as your always in contact with each other it won't mean we have to say goodbye. I love you and I really wish you the best.

                                                                                         From your, Uncle Moony

Harriet felt anger and hurt seep through her. She felt like she should cry but she didn't. There was one thing that Harriet was not and that was a weapon for war. She tried to calm herself down not wanting to turn the Dursley's house into a frozen popsicle stand. She saw Hedwig look ready to murder her so called friends and headmaster. "Hedwig I promise you can rip their eyes out later but you have to have Athena with you." She saw the mention her hawks name settled Hedwig greatly. "Now lets read the last letter so I can open my mate's presents." She said childishly as Hedwig chirped in agreement. Harriet opened the letter in a hurry.

Dear, Cubette

You must feel angry and sad because of Remmy's letter but look on the bright side you can send Hedwig and Athena to blind there sorry asses. On that note you also know that your brother asked us to stay at his place. I want to meet you at the park so we can go into his territory...I don't need to tell you to get your lord ring thingy but just in case bring your lord ring thingy.

                                                                                       From your favorite Dogfather

Harriet let out a small snort. "Your my only Dogfather like Uncle Moony is my only Dog Uncle." She shook her head. Hedwig flew onto her shoulder. "Well Hedwig what do you say we open the present Tom sent me. I think he told me one of them is a courting present." She giggled softly as Hedwig hooted and nibbled her ear affectionately. She slowly stood up to grab the presents with Hedwig still on her shoulder. "Hedwig why don't you perch on the bed so I don't startle you with my movements." Hedwig hooted and did what she asked. She grabbed the presents and sat on her bed. "Which one should I open Hedwig?" She looked at the two presents wrapped in red and the other in green.

Hedwig looked at her Harriet then at the presents. She flew onto the red wrapping paper and started to peck at it. Once she indicated that she wanted her Harriet to open it. After she did that she flew back to her spot.

"Thank you Hedwig, you didn't need to attack it." She giggled softly and started opening the red present. She took out two books one was a velvet dairy that had her full name etched into it and the other was brown. "These must be the birthday presents Tom was talking about." Hedwig hooted telling her to open the green one. "Okay, okay no need to rush me you silly little owl." She happily opened her courting gift. Inside was a box she carefully opened and it revealed a jewelry set. The necklace had a silver snake with emerald eyes coiled into an H as did the earrings that matched with it. Next to them was a single bracelet that again looked like a silver snake with emerald eyes but inside the bracelet there were words etched into it reading 'To my love may this forever protect you from harm.' her face turned dark red. "I-i'm going to have to go to Gringotts as Lady Ice." She mumbled to herself.

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