Chapter 1: Theon Clark

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Theon Clark is not me. He is, however, one of the smartest intellectuals I ever found in this high school. He knows everything and has many ideas. He is hard working and dedicated to his studies. He masters five languages --- English, Spanish, French, Chinese, and German. If this is not yet impressive I don't know what is. I had already labeled him "the walking encyclopedia".

Hello! I am Colin, Colin Wang. An introverted junior who has been going to the high school in Northwest Houston for two years already, but had never really encounter any intellectuals in it, let along making friends with them due to the pitiable paltry portion of intelligent students we have in our school. But I know that there must be some intellectuals in here, and I will do my best to find them in the sea of the imbeciles. Why do I want to find the intellectuals? Well I think it's mainly because I feel limited and restricted when interacting with the averages; on the other hand, I somehow feel great when being with my so called "intellectuals". Moreover, I can indubitably learn some valuable things from them.

So for this year, my main goal is obviously to search for all these intellectuals and of course, make friends with them as well as develop deeper connections.

I took a deep breath, and then pushed open the front door. I am ready for my search. I am ready to encounter new intellectuals and make new friends. I am ready for anything. It's the day of new start after all.

I checked my watch; it's 7:15, a very nice time to step into the schools' front door. The main street had already been filled with students pouring from all directions. They all had their green schedule sheets in their hand already, I've got to get my own schedules too. I am too nervous about the scheduling. Even though I already know what classes I have this year, the random scheduling of periods may define and limit my search of the potential intellectuals.

I nodded at some of my friends I made the past two years as I walk in the direction of the cafeteria, the schedules will be hand out to each and every students over there as always. I am glad to see my schedules with all the high intelligent classes in it as I receive it.

Here's my schedule: first period European history AP, second period Chemistry AP, third period Biology AP, fourth period Calculus AP, fifth period English AP, sixth period Physics I AP, and seventh period US history AP. I am pretty sure I will finally encounter some intellectuals now. My classes of the past two years weren't this high standard at all. There were mostly mixed with the averages and imbeciles, not taking into account of how hard it was to determine if anyone was intelligent in those lower level classes. The teachers were not particularly encouraging intelligence.

I went upstairs to the 2200 hallways to find my first period European history AP class, and I am delighted as I find Theon Clark also has the same class. I smiled at him, he smiled back nervously, as he is also an introvert, a fact that I had discovered during sophomore year. We never had the same classes together though, until now. We only know each other because he happens to also be in Math UIL, a UIL team I rarely went to. Part of me is secretly celebrating the good luck I have; I know this is going to be a totally different year. 

"Hi Theon Clark! How was your summer?" I asked casually, taking a seat behind him, since the seat next to him was already taken by his friend, Larry Sherman, who is talking to a senior.

"It was good. How's yours?"He replied politely.

"Mine was great, visiting Taiwan is a lot of fun."I said with a smile, remembering exactly how fun it was. But I quickly added: "How did you do on the WHAP (World History AP) exam?"

 "I got a five." He said, smiled nervously as I smiled and said congratulations to him. Of course he got a five on the WHAP exam, the highest score anyone can get for an AP exam. After all, he is the most intelligent student I have met so far.

"It's nothing. What about you? What did you get for WHAP?" He asked thoughtfully. He is so similar to me in so many ways. Nervous, polite, thoughtful, and modest.

"Also a five."I smiled, gesturing a high five to him and got a high five back. "So you are also taking European History AP too?" Well what a self explanatory question I have to ask.

"Yeah. It just seems fun." He said, his sincere blue eyes reveal that he is telling the truth. I doubt he  tells any lies actually. He seems too innocent for that. My curiosity level about him has never been any higher.

"Same here." Well this is the truth too, I enjoy learning new things, especially social studies.

He turns away as he thought of something and began to talk with Larry Sherman. As I took out my pencil case and the stationaries, I observed that they must be really good friends for a long time, at least from middle school.

As class almost begins, I said hi to Larry and Keith Debell, both Theon's friends, whom I know but never really talked before. They are both nice and thoughtful, just like Theon, but I could instantly deemed that they are not as intelligent as Theon. Even though it's not their fault, although they may already be smart and intelligent, Theon is at a completely different level. Way higher than them or me.

Theon Clark is one of the smartest intellectuals I ever found in this high school. He knows everything and has many ideas. He is hard working and dedicated to his studies. He masters five languages --- English, Spanish, French, Chinese, and German. If this is not yet impressive I don't know what is. I had already labeled him "the walking encyclopedia".

"Hello class, I'm Mr. Harper, I already know many of y'all from my WHAP class." Mr. Harper said cheerfully, he decided to begin his class by acknowledging his students. What a smart way to start a class. He acknowledge us first; me, Theon, and Larry didn't have him last year for his WHAP class, we had Mrs. Norton. "Theon Clark and Colin Wang! I don't know how you got 5s on the WHAP exam, but good job! You are the only two who got 5s from Mrs. Norton's class." 

There, that's something I don't know. I cheered with surprise; I thought the test was fairly easy to get 5s on. Nevertheless, this just reinforce my opinion that it is extremely hard to find intelligent people. With the whole class's attention on us, I felt some inevitable nervousness, but at least I can prove that I am an intellectual myself after all. Mr. Harper is helping me advertise my intelligence, this could really help improve my reputation I think. I just realize I could make friends with more intellectuals by making myself visible. Thank you, Mr. Harper, I love you for doing that.

"And good job too Larry Sherman and Jasneet Raghavan! You guys got fours from Mrs. Norton's class. You four must be different." Mr. Harper said, a little casually for the last part. I watched them smiled with confidence, but of course they know fours are not as good as fives. 

However, I know they are good at something in common, speech and debate. I barely know Larry Sherman and Jasneet Raghavan, as I never had classes with them. Jasneet herself even created the feminism club last year, a club that I kind of was involved but not really.

Only later would I realize, that the most intelligent three people I will ever meet in this school is all in my first period European history class.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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