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Athena ( Ah-the-nah )

I woke up to the sound of my mom and dad arguing again. I mentally rolled my eyes and looked over to my clock that read 5:20am, there lucky I gotta get up for school. I got up out of my bed and dragged myself to my closet to get my morning accessories witch consisted of my towl and walked over to my toothbrush that sat on my dresser near my vanity. I walked in the bathroom and set the showered how I wanted it to be set.

Twenty minutes later I hoped out of the shower and brushed my teeth then walked into my room that was connected to it and began motioning myself as I sat on my bed. After I was done with that I went to my dresser to get out my hot pink "PINK" boyshorts with a matching bra set, then walked to my closet.

"What to wear, what to wear?" I questioned myself.

An idea then popped in my head I was going to wear my light brown cargo joggers with a black crop tank top that bagged under my arms, and for my shoes I would wear a pair of all black Nike Air force high tops.  I grabbed everything I thought I would, and began dressing myself and put on my Nike Windbreaker that had spikes of pink and black in it while the rest of the jacket had white in it. I got my iPhone 6 grabbed my North face and my bookbag  and headed downstairs out the house without saying bye to my mom or dad.

As sooner as I stepped outside I saw the bus pulling in front of my house. The bus finally came to a halt and the doors flew open. I stepped on the bus while pushing my curly hair out of my face and took a seat at the back of the bus as I sat down I plugged my earphones into my phone and popped them in my ear and began listing to music.

We arrived at school 20 minutes later. We got off the buss in an ordinary fashion; girls first boys last. Once I stepped foot into the school I went to the cafeteria for some brake brekefest. I don't know why I go, I just sit in there untill the bell rings.

I sat down at the end of the table playing on my phone I stopped when I felt someone staring at me. It was if course the school's "it" girl Jasybell. For some reason we always had beff, but in kindergarden we were best friends I don't know what happened. Anyway I turned to look at her and screwed may face up.

"What dah fuck you looking at?" I said harshly causing my new York accent to come completely out.

She look around the cafrtira pointed to herself then said, "Who you talking to bitch!" With bass in her voice.

"Bitch obviously you, looking at me like you done lost your fucking mind, bettah go finde it." I said stepping to her while she sat down.

"Man ain't nobody got time for you stuck up ass." She said lowly.

"What the fuck I thought hoe." I said carelessly and grabbed my stuff then headed to class cause the bell was going to ring.

I made my way to my locker. Punched in the combination and put my stuff in and grabbed my things that I would need for my class. I was going to close my locker but it was pushed aggressively almost slamming my fingers in it. I turned around a cocked my hand back and punched the shit out of whoever did it dropping my books in the process. And when I looked to who did it it was non other then Jasybell.  Everyone in the hallway stop and surrounded us.

"You bitch!" She screamed longing for me. I moved out the way and she hit the wall instead.

I took that as my opportunity to bash her head against the floor. As I lodged for her then someone's strong hands pulled me aways from her in one quick motion. I kicked screamed for them to get off of me but nothing worked, whoever this was is strong as hell. Finally I was let down and it was Chresanto.

"Why dah fuck you do dat dumb ass?!" I screamed in his face, with my accent becoming visible again. I was LIVID!

"Cause I don't need my girlfriend getting suspended again. What the fuck wrong with you?" He said calmly at frist.

"Dat dumb bitch started it, she done lost her fucking mind trying to create a sceen, if it's an audience she want I'll gladly give that thot one!" I screamed punching a nearby locker causing my whole fist to turn a dark shade of red.

"Theah stop!" He yelled grabbing my hands from hitting another locker.

He held me untill I calmed down, but I kept fidgeting under him cause I wanted that bitch so fucking bad you don't even know.

"Let me go dumb fuck!" I screamed punching his his chest while tears cascaded down my face. I tend to cry when I'm very upset.He just sat there taking my blowes holding me tightly.

"Please Theah I'm trying to help you." He stated calmly trying to calm me down as well. But I could tell he was losing his patience cause his face started to turn red.

I calmed down and just cried. I cried cause I wanted to fight her so bad. Like don't these bitches know not to fuck with a bipolar New Yorker like dafuck! I balled up into his arms as he soothed me by caressing my thighs. I yawned and layed my head on his shoulder.

"You wanna go to my house?" He asked sweetly, trying not to tempt me in anyway. I nodded my head in approvle as he picked me up already knowing my answer.

He carried me front side meaning my chest was on his and my legs dangled at each of his sides. He put me in the car and put my seat belt on, and I balled up again after he finished. He got in the passenger seat and began to drive to his house, I stated to doze off as we were on the way there.


I woke up and I was in his bed with my legs wrapped around him and my hand rapped around his torsos as he rubed my booty. I moaned so he knew I was up. He chuckled then kissed my neck.

"You ok baby?" He asked curiously.

" I don't even remeber, I think I blacked out, and I don't wanna know what happened tbh." I sighed.

He also sighed and said, "okay baby girl."


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I'll be posting every weekend mostly but sometimes if I'm up to it I'll post any day of the week and not just weekends.
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