Chapter One

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“I’m the princess. I’m the example.” I mocked, walking through me room in the castle.

I’ve got duties, responsibilities, expectations. Even after everything me and me mum went through two years ago when I changed me “destiny,” our daily lives are still difficult. She’s still the queen, and I’m still the princess.

And here’s the kicker: I still have to get married.

“Yes, Merida,” mum said from her seat. “That’s what I said,”

“Okay, but what does that have to do with getting married?” I said, pouting out the window. In the courtyard me brothers ran and played tricks on the people and animals. The wee devils. I rolled my eyes and looked at me mum, who hadn’t answered. She was considering again. She always did that now, wanting to choose her words right so that I understood her reasoning. I did that too, most of the time. I waited until she looked at me level and began to speak.

“You’re the oldest born, that much you have proven over and over again,” she said, “which means one thing very important and this is the most important thing that you really need to be concerned with,”

I sighed. “Da can announce me as his heir...” I said.

“Yes,” mum continued, “Your father can announce you as his heir and, but,” she continued, “there are guidelines to that,”

I sighed again. “I hate those guidelines...”

“You must be married, and to a well connected man,” mum finished.

“I could rule a kingdom without a husband, mum,” I muttered.

She came over and lifted me chin so I was looking at her. “I know, dear,” she said, “And you would do very well too, but the law is the law, and if you want to be declared the heir and become queen, you must follow the rules.”

I sighed again and looked down over the courtyard. “How many are coming this time?” I asked.

It was mum’s turn to sigh. “That’s complicated,”

I raised my eyebrow and she smiled.

“There will be the three...but there should be two more coming.”

I bit my lip and looked out the window again. Before I could think of anything or say a word, a commotion in the courtyard caught me attention.

"Are they supposed to get here today or on me birthday?" I asked.

Mum looked out the window and sighed, but when I looked at her, she was smiling.

"What ?" I asked.

"Do you remember your da's brother from the north?" She asked.

I nodded, frowning.

"Remember when he and his wife would come down and visit when you were a wee lass?"

I nodded again, still not comprehending where this was going.

"Remember the cousin that came with them? The girl that was a year younger than you?"

I grinned. "Rapunzel?!" I asked.

She nodded. "See, her mum fell ill and her da doesn't want her catching whatever her mum has, so the next year—while the suitors are here—she'll be staying here with us."

My eyes got wide and I grinned really big. "And is that...?" I asked pointing to the courtyard.

Mum nodded, and I laughed, bolting out of the door and down through the castle to the courtyard.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2014 ⏰

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