Seven: Katerina

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October 25, 1491

I am not used to not getting what I want. I usually do get everything I want, and Ana never gets in the way of that.
But now, here she is, stealing everything I've worked for, everyone I've worked for.
She may only have affections for Elijah, but she can't even be naive enough to not notice Klaus' love for her as well.
These were the thoughts running through my head as I rushed through the hallways after my fight with Ana.
Every step I took, I felt like I was more weighted down.
Ana was the one I could always count on to do whatever I wished.
If she was now standing up to me, I couldn't count on her anymore.
I was losing control, and I didn't like the feeling.
I ran through the hallways, passing a mahogany door on the way and almost not thinking anything of it, until I heard familiar voices coming through.
I stopped and pressed my ear up against the door, straining my hearing, trying to make out what the Mikaelson brothers were saying from inside.
"-don't understand why you find that necessary." I heard first, from the voice of Klaus. It sounded angry.
"Brother, there's no need to be angry."
Came Elijah next, sounding calm as always.
I rolled my eyes. He always managed to stay so infuriatingly calm. But he was still handsome, so I was able to continue wanting him as well as Klaus.
"You know that I intend on courting Ana." Klaus continued.
My fists clenched.
Ana wasn't the one who had been working hard this past month to get the Mikaelson brothers to like her.
That was me.
I was the one that deserved everything I wanted, everyone I wanted, not that meek little girl.
I could feel my face redden with anger and I took a deep breath, continuing to listen in on the conversation.
"Personally brother, I can court whomever I wish. And if it is Ana, you can respect my wishes and leave us be."
"Oh, so it's both of you in love with my sister." I muttered bitterly.
The conversation stopped short and I froze, staying silent and getting ready to run if they had heard me.
But how had they? I had been so quiet, and they had been arguing so loudly. But it was almost like they had heard me, the way they stopped so suddenly.
But as I was just about to leave the brothers and their bickering about Ana behind, the girl herself came down the hallway.
I raised my eyebrows at her while she passed and she stopped, looking at me.
"I'm not scared of you, Katerina. Or whatever you can do." she said, puffing her chest.
I smirked at her feeble attempt to look unintimidated. It wasn't working. She may have been saying these things, but she knew what I could do if she opposed me. And believe me, I would not hesitate to do it.
"They're arguing in there." I remarked casually.
Her eyes widened.
"Just go break it up, or something. You always know how to stop arguments." I said, pointing towards the door.
She nodded, and pushed open the door, leaving me outside to laugh silently at my success.
Yes, let Ana stop a fight between the two men who were arguing over her affection.
"Have fun with that, dear sister." I muttered.
She left the door a crack open, and I was able to look through and see Ana enter the room.
The two brothers didn't see shocked at her entrance, as if they had known she was coming in.
"What's going on?" Ana asked cautiously.
"Just arguing about who should be able to have your affection." I whispered.
Surprisingly, Klaus turned towards my place at the door, and I quickly ducked out of sight.
Were they hearing everything I was saying? How was that possible?
I peeked back in.
Klaus's attention was turned completely on Ana now. I decided to stay silent and watch the conversation unfold.
"There's no need to worry, Ana." Elijah said, glancing at his brother.
Ana shook her head.
"Katerina said you were bickering. There's no need to argue about anything."
"Oh, but there is." Klaus said. He was smiling, but his eyes were flashing angrily.
Elijah made a sudden move towards Ana, gripping her arm tightly.
"Ana, I suggest you leave." he said to her.
"I'll escort you out."
"No, please stay." Klaus said, surveying Ana.
She was beginning to look scared. I was feeling slightly uncomfortable , but she deserved it, didn't she?
I didn't do anything, just stayed and watched everything unfold.
"Niklaus, I suggest you don't try anything." Elijah warned.
Klaus didn't listen. With incredible speed, he had grabbed Ana and was holding her neck in the crook of his arm.
"Don't come any closer, brother, or I'll snap her neck."
I gasped, clapping a hand over my mouth.
Ana was crying now, tears streaming down her face.
"Please... Please don't harm me." she pleaded, as Klaus's grip on her neck tightened.
Elijah looked like he didn't know what to do. He stood there, not coming any closer, but trying to calm his brother down.
"Niklaus-" he started, but Klaus interrupted him.
"If I can't have her, nobody can." he said, and his face changed.
By this point, my fear was growing steadily, and I was frozen to the spot, unable to move or do anything.
Klaus's face had morphed into something terrifying, his incisors growing into sharp points and veins popping out under his eyes.
It was truly a nightmare, something I had heard about from stories of my childhood.
Klaus bit into his wrist, the blood that came from it dripping onto the floor. To my surprise, he lifted his wrist to Ana's mouth, the blood now going into her mouth.
She was struggling, her screams muffled by Klaus's wrist. Now, Elijah looked as scared as I felt.
Klaus dropped his wrist from my sister's mouth. Her lips and chin were now stained with blood, and cheeks shining with tears.
No, she didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve to be murdered.
But I couldn't help her. I still couldn't move a bone in my body, and I was rooted to the ground.
Now Elijah no longer looked scared, but angry.
And his face morphed like his brother's, into a nightmare figure. He moved with the same speed as his brother earlier, towards Ana, but he was too late.
I heard a sickening crack, and Ana slipped from Klaus's grip to the ground, her eyes wide open and unseeing.
I screamed and both brothers turned towards me. Elijah came towards me, grabbing my face and looking straight into my eyes. It was like all my senses kicked in at that exact moment.
I pulled Elijah's hands off of me and ran faster than I had ever run before.
I ran straight into the ballroom, where the party was still in full force, everyone dancing and swaying.
I got a few strange looks as I entered the ballroom, frenzied and shaking, but I ignored them and emerged myself in the crowd, blending in, acting like I was having a good time, like all these ignorant people.
Did they know that their hosts were vampires?
I saw Klaus enter the room, looking the same as before, greeting people who approached him, but scanning the room, looking for me.
But I just hid behind the people until I could not spot him anymore, and then I ran, unsure of where I was going, but I ran.

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