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Alex hadn't seen hide nor hair of the vampire man since that party on Saturday. After waking up completely naked in his room the next morning, he was more than a lot confused. He was honestly beginning to think that he had made it all up, that he was drunker than he had originally thought. It wasn't too bad of a loss, though, even if the man that Alex had conjured up in his mind was everything he ever wanted. Tall, dark, and handsome, with that air of danger to him. He had always been a sucker for bad boys, so maybe that was why his head had created this vampire man in his intoxicated state.

Even though Alex almost wished the man were real, he decided that he had bigger problems to worry about at the moment, such as the fact that he had an English midterm on Friday and he just couldn't find enough time in the day to study for it.

Alex was only a second year college student, studying at the small community college in his hometown to get his gen eds (general education) out of the way before going to New York to finish his English degree. This way was a lot cheaper, only having to pay a small amount for basic classes, and it gave his mom a few more years of being able to see him whenever she wanted. Needless to say, two extra years with her son being close will still not be enough.

Despite it being a smaller college, Alex was still stressing out a bit. What he really needed, honestly, was to get laid. Or, maybe, something more. Something that would momentarily take his mind off of everything that he had to do. That was why Alex accepted the invite from that one rich kid, hoping that he would find someone at that party that was interesting enough to pursue. Sadly, all he got was an overly drunken night and a figment of his imagination.


As the professor announced that the exam was to be turned in, Alex begrudgingly tore his eyes off of his paper, wanting more time to scan over his work to make sure it was as good as it was going to get. Packing all of his belongings into his bag, he stood up from his seat and walked down the aisle to the professor's desk. He gave his professor, who he did not know the name of, and slugged out of the lecture hall. 

"I know it, I fucking failed," he mumbled under his breath, moseying along with the rest of the sullen students leaving the hall

"Why weren't you at your doctor's appointment?" Alex heard someone say. That voice seemed familiar, but he could not place it for the life of him. Maybe the person was talking to someone else, because he knew he didn't have any sort of appointment today, other than the one which calls for a three hour nap in his dorm and some good ol' rocky road ice cream.

A strong hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder, him to change direction When he turned around, what he did not expect was the same man that he had been thinking about all week.

"Holy shit," he exclaimed, backing up, "You are real... are you?" he asked in amazement.

"Don't ignore the question, and- what do you mean am I real?" the man said with narrow eyes. Did this kid already forget about him? 

"I thought I just drank too much that night," Alex admitted, looking down at the ground, adding, "Um, let's not stand in the middle of the hall," after noticing some annoyed looks from his peers. The middle of a hallway is no place to stop and chit chat.

After they moved off to the side, out of the way of the bustling students, Alex took that time to look at the man more closely. He was tall, lean, and had rather sharp features. He held himself with confidence, as if he knew how charming he was. 

"So," Jack said, catching Alex's attention, internally smirking at catching the young boy checking him out, "Do you really not remember me?"

Alex looked down again,  toeing the going, and muttering, "I mean, I do, but I thought you were just a, uh, creation of my drunken mind?" He looked up, only to catch Jack looking at him with a smug look.

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