The Immortal Secret

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Chapter 1

Mr. Johnson Walter-Wood had no interest in bidding that statue over $43.5 million. He only knew that it was an ancient piece and extremely well-built but $43.5 million was the final bid by Mr. Hayley Crankford, the very well-known historian and hopefully no one else would go above that; Johnson lost his hope. He bid for $42.9 million and could not go on for more, but now Mr. Hayley Crankford already owned it. As he was returning back to his Rolls-Royce with the ancient goddamn statue with style and pride, news reporters splashed against him like water but one wave of his hand signaling “move-away” made them move away and he gently got in his car and called his historian partner on the phone.

  “Bid it for $43.5 million,” said Mr. Crankford.

  “Hmm . . . not bad though . . .” said his partner Mr. Jason Little on the phone. “Come soon, we’ll check out the authenticity,”

  “Can’t wait to,” said Mr. Crankford with a smile.

Mr. Johnson was a serious man in whatever he did. After all, he was a business man and owned a garments factory. He had serious pressure from every side of his life. His wife left him two years ago and also took way their child, Mellissa. He had a loss in his business after that horrific incident but still faces that to make a profit in his business and until now things are going pretty much with the flow.

He has a very keen desire for antique and authentic statues or paintings or any sort of old things that bring amusement to him. The rich man for the sake of just buying that statue for his amusement and desire lost all hope when he lost the bid and when that historian took it away.

Mr. Johnson drives a Mercedes Benz and lives in a wonderful duplex. Alone. He has kept no contact with his wife and his daughter nor did they keep any contact all the same. He led an isolated life ever since and talked less but did more.

He, with a slightly “lost-all-hope” smile, got into bed without having lunch.


On the other hand, things were getting hot in Crankford’s home with his historian partner. Mr. Crankford and Little had a sly smile because they were about to do something that was really what they wished for all these years. Finally when the thing was bought, they yet couldn’t believe their eyes but it was right in front of them. Yes, the old-aged statue which was a magnificent one and it was not a replica, but the original one instead.

The historians were proud and happy about this. Not because they found a very old statue which was thought to be lost forever, but because they would BREAK the statue. Yes, they would break the magnificent statue.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2013 ⏰

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