"Miss Victoria's Academy for Exceptional Young Men"

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Tweek had lived a relatively normal life up until that one moment. Its a cliche. But like all cliches, it was true.

He was walking to school with his friends, like he normally did on a Tuesday morning, when he saw the crow, that must have been hit by a car, left dead in the middle of the road.
It's like he felt an urge, as if something was drawing him to that crow, laying limp and lifeless on the ground. When he held it in his hands, he could feel the cold from the carcass slowly fade into warmth as the bird began to breathe once again.He had just resurrected a living being. Then it all fell to black.

Later that day Tweek woke up in his own bed. Which was quite a relief, that could mean that he was in the clear. Maybe no one saw? Better yet, maybe it didn't happen at all. However it was the two men in suits stood next to his bed that answered all questions with one phrase."You'll be coming with us now"

His parents waved him a goodbye as Tweek was practically dragged out the door kicking and screaming. By the time he got to on the train he decided that his life was practically over already so he may as well go along with it. On the train there was a woman with quite large blonde hair, and very funky looking glasses. He gave her a wary look as he was ushered next to her. With soothing words she had managed to calm Tweek enough to explain to him what was going on. Victoria Principal was her name. She explained to the small blonde that he was being taken to a school, for people like him. Somewhere where he can be himself, and will be able to learn more about himself and this new power he had discovered.

And that was a summary of the events that lead him up to right now. It all seemed to have happened so fast, but there he was, stood in-front of a large white building. Not quite the white house. He's not that unlucky. The sign read "Miss Victoria's Academy for Exceptional Young Men".

When he turned to look at his escorts, they seemed to have vanished.

All of this was very hard to process. Tweek made his way up to the building and meekly knocked on the front door. It wasn't long until it swung open in-front of him, successfully making him jump on the spot. "Hi! You must be Tweek, come on in" The man at the door practically beamed. So this guy seemed friendly, he had a little ginger Afro. It was quite cute, maybe he was another student here.

"My name is Kyle, I'll be your teacher from now on"

Did he just say teacher? This kid looked the exact same age as Tweek.

"N-Nice to meet you" he stuttered back. No point introducing himself, Kyle seems to know him anyway.

"Your room is up the stairs to the left, room 3. You're sharing with a boy called Craig. Midday gathering is in half an hour, you can meet everyone else then" He walked off before the blonde even got chance to respond. White seemed to completely engulf him. The floors, the walls, and all the furniture he has seen thus far had been white. If it was decorated like this with the purpose of straining his eyes then it was doing a pretty good job at it. The stairs, which were also white, branched off in two directions. He followed them to the left and found room 3 much quicker than he would have liked. Nervous about what his roommate would be like, he had to stop and take a deep breath before opening the door.

Wait a second.

That isn't any ordinary roommate. That is Craig Tucker. You Know. The celebrity.

Standing in the doorway staring with a blank expression was probably not the best way to go about this Tweek. Next time, a cooler approach would be much appreciated. Exhaling the smoke from his cigarette, Craig turned the page of his magazine, seemingly uninterested in his new roommate, who apparently has forgotten to breathe. "You must be the newbie"

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