Sound Bender 7

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Chapter 7
Chapter 8 OUT NOW
We left the shop and followed Steve to his apartment. Pulling out his key chains,Steve said to us, "Don't make any noise in there until we get to the room. Mama likes to to rest until its Jeopardy time." We went inside and the couch was covered in plastic and everywhere was that old woman smell.
The walls were covered with plates the one you see on the TV commercials that have pictures of presidents on them. You can buy them for like $19.99. There must have been 300 spooky faces staring out at us.
"These plates makes Mama have joy."
Steve whispered.
"That's good, Steve, but can we just get to the Audograph?"
"This one worth's a fortune," he went on. "This one is Terrisa..And the one and only Mary. People call her Bloody Mary."
Trevor and I glanced at each other. This guy was weirder than we thought. He could go on and on about this. A loud voice screeched through the walls.
"Stevie!" She called. "Who's there? What are you doing? What time is it? Bring me my slippers, Stevie!"
He turned to us. "Just a sec."
When he was gone,me and Trevor heard Steve and his mom talking.
"They're going to serve us on after they cook us," Trevor said. We both let a laugh and trying to hold it in.
Ordinary, Trevor and I would of done a whole comedy routine about the plates. But all I could think about was that disc. I was dying to hear it. When Steve came back,I almost pounced on him.
"Hey Steve," I lied, "I just talked to Jeremy on the phone. He's closing up the shop early,so if you want the record today, we have to get back there soon."
"Then let's get on it." Finally. I wanted to hurry up so he doesn't find out I actually lied about it.
"Here's the Audograph."
"So this thing records sound?" I asked,not quite believing it.
"How does it work?" Trevor asked as Steve got to his knees and hands and crawled under the desk,looking for the jack.
"You guys know that the sound we hear is just waves? Well,sound is just waves. The sound we hear are just what makes our brains very fast sound waves vibrating the air around us. No air,no sound."
"Which is why you can hear in space," Trevor said.
"Or how when you hear sound underwater,its much higher pitched," I added.
Steve walked over to the Audograph. "So this is the machine," he said. "It has a little microphone. Your voice goes through some wires, and your voice goes into electronic waves that make the Audograph's needle vibrate exactly like your voice." Steve took a deep breath and scratched his belly. "Easy right?"
"Yup,pretty simple actually," Trevor said.
I took the blue disc and my hand shaking. "Can you put it on, Steve?" I asked. "I dont want to break it." I still wasnt sure what had happened yesterday when I touched the disc, but whatever it was, I didn't want it to happen again.
Steve popped the disc into the Audograph. Then he twirled a few knobs and the machine started playing.
I heard this low, scratchy sound coming out of the speaker.
"Wait!" I screamed. "Turn it off."
Steve twirled the knob and the sound faded out like wrooaannn. Getting lower,getting deeper.
"What's wrong dude?"
"I'd like to listen to this by myself," I said. "I think it has an old family secret."
Steve turned to Trevor. "Its Jeopardy time! We can leave Leo alone here,ready to play?"
"Born ready."
And with that, the two of them left me alone in Steve's room. I took a deep breath and twirled the knob.

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