Tagged yet again

243 12 171

Okay, so you guys keep tagging me... But I still love you...

Here I go... Btw, I'm calling this game 13 questions 13 answers... Yay or nay?
Yeah, nay.
1) You must WRITE out ALL of the rules

2) You must tag 13 people

3) You must list 13 facts (things) about yourself

4) You must answer EVERY question I list below

5) You must have 13 questions for the people you tag

6) Tag backs ARE allowed

7) You must do this in 1 WEEK

8) Backing out of a tag is NOT allowed

9) Have a creative title (I failed)


Okay here's my questions:

1) Have you ever had a guy/girl compliment how you look?

2) If you were a super person (if you could have super powers) who/what would you be?

3) If you had one wish what would you wish for? And no you CANNOT wish for more wishes ;)

4) If you were in The Hunger Games who would you be? (What charter fits you best)? (If you haven't see THG then I will give you a bonus question at the bottom).

5) If you were a divergent what job would you pick? (If you haven't seen divergent then I will give you a bonus question at the bottom).

6) Do you like morning or night?

7) Chocolate ice cream or vanilla?

8) Would you rather gummy worms or gummy bears?

9) If you could marry any celebrity who would you marry?

10) Would you rather be a zombie or a vampire?

11) How would you like to die?

12) If you could play a sport professionally what sport would you choose?

13) If you were in fairy tale who would you be?

*Bonus Questions*

14) If you could stay an age forever what age would you be?

15) What's your favorite candy?


I've been asked to do this (actually demanded) so many times I forgot what questions to answer and who tagged me... So I'll answer my own questions.

1) Yes, I have. Both.

2)  I don't actually know... Maybe  I read peoples minds... Idk

3) I'd wish for no more cancer or I'd wish that God would come back into our country again and that we'd have a  revival

4)  I would want to be Annie, so that I could marry Finnick :P

5) I can't pick... guess id be divergent :p ... maybe dauntless?

6) I'm a night owl... What can I say?

7) Chocolate... Sry

8) I think gummy worms.... Oh what the heck I love both!

9) Liam Hemsworth.... Lol

10) Uhhhhhhh, I guess vampire idk! 

11) By saving someone else... I'd take a bullet for somebody, that's why if I was in THG I would die... But if and when I die I want to save another persons life... I don't want my life to be an waste

12) Soccer or Ice Skating... I love both

13) I might be Tinkerbelle or maybe Elsa... Idk

*Bonus Answers*

14) Maybe 23 I'm actually not sure...

15) Sour Punch Bites!!!! Love those things!! **********

Okay, I tag the following-


I made it!!!!! *does weird happy dance*
Now, you have to do this... Hahahhaha I'm so mean.
Bye (for now)

Awesome stuff!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora