Part 1

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She quickly made her way past the crowds of people walking by. The air hung around everyone, and being cold was the only thing they all had in common. Where is it- am I even on the right street? She questioned herself. Shit what was that number again? 6707.. 6067? She sighed and cursed herself for forgetting.

Deciding to just try the buildings until she found it, she ran to the nearest door and started pounding. After a few moments the door burst open. "What do you want?!" a short mans voice screamed at her. "I don't want any business with you!" he added. "Please, n-no wait!" she begged him. He frowned and stared at her. "Do you know where he is?" she quickly realized she wasn't making sense. "Uhm, never mind.. I'm sorry, wrong place" she mumbled and backed away slowly.

What am I even doing, this is stupid. She told herself. He won't even care about it, all I would get is a thank you. What if he doesn't remember me? I'm not going to find his house anyway. Smoothing down her long brown hair she decided to just go home.

About 10 minutes later of walking, the houses became fewer and now there were mostly shops around her. In a better mood, she decided to go in one and have a look around. She stepped into a small store with books and magazines neatly stacked everywhere. A man in bright clothes came up to her "Hello miss! My name's Mike; may I get you anything?" He said cheerfully. "Oh no thank you I'm just here looking around." She said plainly as her eyes wandered to the artwork on the walls. Mike just scoffed and walked away.

She was slightly amused by this store, it had the looks of a library but the atmosphere of a restaurant. People were sitting around at tables eating or discussing things. Everyone looked so cheery but their minds were obviously somewhere else.

I should go home, why did I even bother coming in here? She questioned again. Walking out of the odd shop she found herself once again struggling along through the sea of people. I'll just try and mail him his book back, she thought. Feeling a raindrop she looked up at the grey sky. Before she had a chance to look at where she was going she walked right into someone.

"I'm so sorry!" A man said as he quickly helped her to her feet. "Are you ok? I didn't see you there." As he gently touched her head. "Yeah I'm alright, it was my fault. I'm sorry too.." She said as she looked up at the man who she collided with. He was tall and thin, with a dark curly mess of hair. His face was so gentle and shy. He couldn't help but laugh lightly at the situation. "I just noticed it was raining and all of the sudden this!" She exclaimed with a laugh. He smiled. She wasn't sure what to do, but for some reason she couldn't walk away. He was so very intriguing.

He stuck out his hand, "My name is Brian May."

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